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Rollins Course Reviews

Rollins College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 272Relief Printmaking00000
ART 498HMHonRsch: Art00000
ART 399IS Rsch: Advanced Book Arts00000
ART 391Screen Printing00000
ART 342Sculpture II00000
ART 310Introduction to Video Art00000
ART 285Photo: Tech, Form & Content00000
ART 241Sculpture I00000
ART 230Introduction to Digital Media00000
ART 195Visual Journal:Self Reflection00000
ART 450Senior Seminar00000
ART 395Topic: Book Art00000
ART 351Painting II00000
ART 333Sculpture: Digital Fabrication00000
ART 300Photography II00000
ART 120Three-Dimensional Foundations00000
ART 240Furniture Design00000
ART 223Graphic Design I00000
ART 215The Artist's Book00000
ART 110Two-Dimensional Foundations00000
ART 440Senior Studio00000
ART 392Digt & Mixed Media Printmaking00000
ART 350Contemporary Art & Theory00000
ART 332Spec Study: Paint/Draw00000
ART 299IS Rsch: Sculpture Studies00000
ART 295Artists Books & Zines00000
ART 251Painting I00000
ART 233Special Studies: Sculpture00000
ART 221Drawing & Composition00000