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Rollins Course Reviews

Rollins College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHN 151Elem CHN Conversation I00000
CHN 201Intermediate Chinese I00000
CHN 295Topic: Intro to Chinese Callig00000
CHN 401Advanced Chinese III00000
CHN 101Elem Chinese I00000
CHN 152Elem CHN Conversation II00000
CHN 202Intermediate Chinese II00000
CHN 251Intermed CHN Conversation I00000
CHN 302Advanced Chinese II00000
CHN 102Elem Chinese II00000
CHN 198IS Rsch: Chinese Conversation00000
CHN 205BIntro to Chinese Calligraphy00000
CHN 301Advanced Chinese I00000
CHN 498IS Rsch: Advanced Chinese V00000