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RPI Course Reviews

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 6310Microbiology00000
BIOL 4470Muscle & Cardiac Biology00000
BIOL 4270Human Physiology00000
BIOL 4200Biostatistics00000
BIOL 2900Research in Biology00000
BIOL 1015Introduction to Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL 9990Dissertation00000
BIOL 6940Readings in Biology00000
BIOL 6900Seminar in Biology00000
BIOL 6650The Biology of Systems00000
BIOL 6420Molecular Modeling00000
BIOL 4660The Biology of Systems00000
BIOL 4990Senior Research Thesis00000
BIOL 4940Readings in Biology00000
BIOL 4870Lake George Limnology and Underwater Ecology (BLUE)00000
BIOL 4760Molecular Biochemistry I00000
BIOL 4630Molecular Biology II00000
BIOL 4350Virology00000
BIOL 4260Advanced Cell Biology00000
BIOL 4120Investigative Medicine II00000
BIOL 2930Out-of-Classroom Experience in Biology00000
BIOL 2940Ug Mentoring Intro Biology III00000
BIOL 6968Biology Of The Gut Microbiota00000
BIOL 6963Ethical Consid In Biotech00000
BIOL 4969Biophysics Of Adaptation00000
BIOL 4520Human Population00000
BIOL 6980Research00000
BIOL 6969Biophysics Of Adaptation00000
BIOL 6966Perspectives in Bms & Eng00000
BIOL 6962Biology of the Gut Microbiota00000
BIOL 4968Biology Of The Gut Microbiota00000
BIOL 4962Biology of the Gut Microbiota00000
BIOL 2160Introduction to Geobiology00000
BIOL 6960Current Topics: Cytoskeletal Research00000
BIOL 6910Research Rotation l00000
BIOL 6660Muscle Mechanics and Modeling00000
BIOL 6510Biology Core Course I00000
BIOL 6410Sequence Analysis00000
BIOL 6220Machine Learning for Environmental Biology00000
BIOL 4980Biomedical Research00000
BIOL 4860Evolution00000
BIOL 4740Advanced Cell Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL 4250Developmental Biology00000
BIOL 6550Ethical Issues in Biotechnology00000
BIOL 6470Muscle & Cardiac Biology00000
BIOL 6350Virology00000
BIOL 6100From Neuron to Behavior00000
BIOL 4970Non-thesis Research00000
BIOL 4880The Global Environment00000
BIOL 4770Molecular Biochemistry II00000
BIOL 4710Biochemistry Laboratory00000
BIOL 4550Molecular Modeling00000
BIOL 4320Microbiology Lab00000
BIOL 6690Advanced Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 4150Cellular Neuroscience00000
BIOL 4100From Neuron to Behavior00000
BIOL 2120Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 6971Adv Top Ecology & Environment00000
BIOL 6967Protein Ligand Interactions00000
BIOL 6965Research Rotation I00000
BIOL 6961Data Science & Alzheimer's00000
BIOL 4967Protein Ligand Interactions00000
BIOL 2941Intro Cell/Mol Bio Mentoring 100000
BIOL 4720Molecular Biology Laboratory00000
BIOL 6990Master’s Thesis00000
BIOL 6930Research Rotation lll00000
BIOL 6880The Global Environment00000
BIOL 6520Biology Core Course II00000
BIOL 6260Advanced Cell Biology00000
BIOL 6150Cellular Neuroscience00000
BIOL 4961Human Population00000
BIOL 4900Team Research00000
BIOL 4850Principles of Ecology00000
BIOL 2125Intro Cell & Molec Biol Lab00000
BIOL 4620Molecular Biology00000
BIOL 4540Sequence Analysis00000
BIOL 4310Microbiology00000
BIOL 4220Machine Learning for Environmental Biology00000
BIOL 4110Investigative Medicine I00000
BIOL 2500Genetics and Evolution00000
BIOL 1010Introduction to Biology00000
BIOL 6970Professional Project00000
BIOL 6920Research Rotation ll00000