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RPI Course Reviews

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHEM 2360Chemistry Laboratory: Selected Experiments00000
CHEM 6020Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I00000
CHEM 4950Senior Experience00000
CHEM 4810Chemistry of the Environment00000
CHEM 4760Molecular Biochemistry I00000
CHEM 4620Introduction to Polymer Chemistry00000
CHEM 4440Physical Chemistry for Life Sciences00000
CHEM 4330Drug Discovery00000
CHEM 4200Industrial Chemistry00000
CHEM 4120Experimental Chemistry IV: Physical and Instrumental Methods00000
CHEM 4030Experimental Chemistry III Abridged: Physical Methods00000
CHEM 2950Undergraduate Research00000
CHEM 6250Glycochemistry, Glycobiology, and Glychotechnology00000
CHEM 2240Organic Chemistry Laboratory II00000
CHEM 2030Inorganic Chemistry I00000
CHEM 1210Chemistry II (Without lab)00000
CHEM 6970Masters Project00000
CHEM 6900Chemistry Seminar00000
CHEM 6710Chemical Biology00000
CHEM 6520Advanced Analytical Chemistry00000
CHEM 6330Drug Discovery00000
CHEM 6210Advanced Organic Chemistry I00000
CHEM 6130Mass Spectrometry00000
CHEM 4990Senior Thesis00000
CHEM 4961Aspects of Chemical Practice00000
CHEM 6967Nucleic Acids: Nano- & Biotech00000
CHEM 6963Ethical Consid In Biotech00000
CHEM 4968Bioenergetics00000
CHEM 4965Medicinal Chemistry00000
CHEM 4962Proteomics/Str Bioinformatics00000
CHEM 1960Chemistry For Life00000
CHEM 6968Bioenergetics00000
CHEM 6965Medicinal Chemistry00000
CHEM 6961Aspects of Chemical Practice00000
CHEM 4966Modern Techniques Online00000
CHEM 4964History of Chemistry00000
CHEM 4770Molecular Biochemistry II00000
CHEM 6966Perspectives in Bms & Eng00000
CHEM 6962Proteomics/Strc Bioinformatics00000
CHEM 4967Nucleic Acids: Nano- & Biotech00000
CHEM 4963Natural Polymers & Biomaterial00000
CHEM 4940Readings in Chem00000
CHEM 6990Master’s Thesis00000
CHEM 6940Readings in Chemistry00000
CHEM 6750Biocatalysis: Fundamentals and Applications00000
CHEM 6550Advanced Physical Chemistry00000
CHEM 6510Computational Chemistry00000
CHEM 6950Introduction to Research00000
CHEM 4420Microscopic Physical Chemistry00000
CHEM 4310Bioorganic Mechanisms00000
CHEM 4140NMR Spectroscopy for Scientists and Engineers00000
CHEM 4110Instrumental Methods of Analysis00000
CHEM 4010Inorganic Chemistry II00000
CHEM 2940Special Projects in Chemistry00000
CHEM 2290Experimental Chemistry II: Synthesis and Characterization00000
CHEM 2230Organic Chemistry Laboratory I00000
CHEM 1900Chemistry for Life00000
CHEM 1200Chemistry II00000
CHEM 9990Dissertation00000
CHEM 4530Modern Techniques in Chemistry00000
CHEM 6780Bioenergetics: The Art of Energy Conversion in Nature00000
CHEM 6610Natural and Biobased Polymers and Materials00000
CHEM 6540Electrochemistry00000
CHEM 6490Chemical Thermodynamics00000
CHEM 6300Medicinal Chemistry00000
CHEM 6140NMR Spectroscopy for Scientists and Engineers00000
CHEM 4970Advanced Research Project00000
CHEM 4900Professional Development Seminar00000
CHEM 2540Introduction to Geochemistry00000
CHEM 2250Organic Chemistry I00000
CHEM 2120Experimental Chemistry I: Analytical Techniques00000
CHEM 6960Selected Topics in Chemistry00000
CHEM 4690Aqueous Geochemistry00000
CHEM 4470Theoretical Chemistry00000
CHEM 4410Macroscopic Physical Chemistry00000
CHEM 4300Medicinal Chemistry00000
CHEM 4130Mass Spectrometry00000
CHEM 4020Experimental Chemistry III: Inorganic and Physical Methods00000
CHEM 2930Out-of-Classroom Experience in Chemistry00000
CHEM 2260Organic Chemistry II00000
CHEM 2110Equilibrium Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis00000
CHEM 1600Materials Science00000
CHEM 1110Chemistry I with Advanced Lab00000
CHEM 1100Chemistry I00000
CHEM 6910Chemistry Teaching Seminar00000
CHEM 6660Polymer Analysis and Characterization00000
CHEM 6530Quantum Chemistry00000
CHEM 6310Bioorganic Mechanisms00000
CHEM 6200Organic Spectra Interpretation00000
CHEM 6170Advanced Topics in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance00000
CHEM 6010Perspectives in Chemistry00000
CHEM 4960Selected Topics in Chemistry00000
CHEM 4780Bioenergetics: The Art of Energy Conversion in Nature00000
CHEM 4710Chemical Biology00000