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RPI Course Reviews

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GSAS 4961Topics in Game Research00000
GSAS 2520Introduction to Game Storytelling00000
GSAS 2960Topics in Games00000
GSAS 4260Game Narrative Design00000
GSAS 4540Game Development II00000
GSAS 4990GSAS Capstone00000
GSAS 6200Topics in Game Research00000
GSAS 6500Advanced Game Design/User-Experience Methods00000
GSAS 9990Dissertation00000
GSAS 6980Master’s Project00000
GSAS 6961Game Research: Historical Sim00000
GSAS 4270Level Design00000
GSAS 4963Computer Graphics00000
GSAS 6963Virtual Reality00000
GSAS 4240Writing for Games I00000
GSAS 4962Topics In Game Research00000
GSAS 4968Learning And Advanced Game Ai00000
GSAS 1040Art for Interactive Media00000
GSAS 1600History and Culture of Games00000
GSAS 2540Introduction to Game Programming00000
GSAS 4230Game Animation00000
GSAS 4520Game Development I00000
GSAS 4940GSAS Research Project00000
GSAS 6100Game Studies Theory and Praxis00000
GSAS 6400Critical Game Design: History/Theory/Futures00000
GSAS 6960Topics in Games00000
GSAS 2510Introduction to Game Design00000
GSAS 2940Studies in Games00000
GSAS 4200Lighting, Rendering, & Cinematography00000
GSAS 4510Experimental Game Design00000
GSAS 4550Game Architecture00000
GSAS 4960Topics in Games00000
GSAS 6300Research Methods in Critical Game Design00000
GSAS 6940Studies in Games00000