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RVCC Course Reviews

Raritan Valley Community College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 245Cellular & Molecular Biology55551
FILM 122Survey Of American Film53431
COMM 250Screenwriting00000
BUSI 114Intro To Supply Chain Manage00000
CSIT 217Operating Systems00000
CISY 270Intro To Cisco Networking00000
AUTC 221Engine Sys/Emiss Control II00000
CRMJ 211Criminology00000
ARTS 254Art Of The Book00000
BUSI 200Operations Management00000
ARTS 286CIndep Study Ceramics III00000
CHEM 102Introduction To Chemistry00000
CISY 238C Programming00000
AUTC 102Automotive Brake Systems00000
COMM 101HSpeech Honors00000
ARTS 242Figure Drawing I00000
COSM 280Cosmetology Practicum00000
BIOL 125Human Anatomy & Physiology II00000
CRMJ 242Theory/Practice Of Corrections00000
ARTS 112Intro To Digital Photography00000
DANC 104Modern Dance For Non-Majors00000
ARTS 271Illustration00000
BUSI 293Business Co-Op Education III00000
ARTS 205Drawing III00000
CHEM 108Gen Chemistry II -Lecture Only00000
ARTS 289CIndep Study Paint III00000
CISY 103Computer Concepts & Program00000
CISY 229Information Security Fund00000
ARTS 296AIndep Study Sculpture I00000
CISY 267Program For Game Developers00000
ARTS 223Advanced Glazing Studio Potter00000
CISY 291Interactive Digital Media Prog00000
AUTC 202Engine Performance/Diagnosis I00000
COMM 130Event Planning/Meeting Mgmt00000
ARTH 223History Of Photography00000
COMM 293Comm/Speech Coop Ed II00000
BIOL 102HGeneral Biology II Honors00000
CRMJ 131Police & Community00000
ARTS 249Digital Artmaking00000
CRMJ 222Disaster Operations00000
BIOL 232Field Botany00000
CSIT 125Programming For Bus Majors00000
ANTH 102Human Origins00000
CSIT 292Computer Science Coop Ed I00000
BUSI 156Risk & Financial Management00000
DANC 107Ballet I00000
ARTS 129Three Dimensional Modeling00000
BUSI 250Business Simulation Seminar00000
ARTS 274Visual Design For The Web00000
CEMT 203Building Automation I00000
ARTH 101Art Appreciation00000
CHEM 104General Chemistry II00000
ARTS 286DIndep Study Ceramics IV00000
CHEM 213Organic Chem I Lecture Only00000
ARTS 211Acrylic & Oil Painting II00000
CISY 113Desktop Compute Hardware&Soft;00000
ARTS 290AIndep Study Photo I00000
CISY 125Programming For Bus Majors00000
CISY 222Content Management Systems00000
ARTS 293CIndep Study Video Prod III00000
CISY 233Introduction To Php00000
ARTS 220Advanced Photography00000
CISY 244Javascript00000
ASL 101Intro To American Sign Lang I00000
CISY 268Web Page Development II00000
ARTH 112The History Of Visual Design00000
CISY 274Privacy, Ethics, Comp Forensic00000
AUTC 109Brake Systems00000
CISY 295Computer Science Coop Ed III00000
ARTS 234Ceramics IV00000
COMM 115Organizational And Tech Comm00000
AUTC 205Auto Cool&Climate Control Syst00000
COMM 201Intercultural Communication00000
ACCT 290Accounting Coop Education I00000
COMM 267Digital Video Prod-Narr& Doc00000
BIOL 101General Biology I00000
COMP 102Computer Literacy00000
ARTS 246Visual Design I00000
CRMJ 121Crisis Communication Res Per00000
BIOL 120Human Biology00000
CRMJ 204Women & Minorities In The Cjs00000
ARTS 108Three-Dimensional Design00000
CRMJ 220Incident Command System00000
BIOL 150Plants, Humans & The Environ00000
CRMJ 233Criminal Procedure00000
ARTS 252Portfolio Development00000
CSIT 103Computer Concepts & Program00000
BIOL 247Vertebrate Zoology00000
CSIT 200Python Programming00000
ACCT 221Tax Accounting I00000
CSIT 254Data Structures00000
BUSI 132Business Law II00000
DANC 101Modern Dance I00000
ARTS 267Introduction To Video Prod00000
CISY 200Python Programming00000
BUSI 192Principles Of Finance00000
ACCT 203Intermediate Accounting I00000
ACCT 226Volunteer Income Tax Assistanc00000
ARTH 111Art From Renaissance Mod Era00000
ARTS 216Ceramics II00000