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Ryerson Course Reviews

Ryerson University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MTH 140Calculus I2.923.34.73
MTH 141Linear Algebra44441
MTH 131Modern Mathematics I43321
MTH 510Numerical Analysis55441
MTH 617Algebra00000
MTH 814Computational Complexity00000
MTH 719Applied Linear Algebra00000
MTH 710Fourier Analysis00000
MTH 700Financial Mathematics I00000
MTH 642Data Analytics: Advanced Methods00000
MTH 304Probability and Statistics I00000
MTH 603Non-Linear Programming and Applications00000
MTH 560Problem Solving00000
MTH 511Limitations of Measurement00000
MTH 500Introduction to Stochastic Processes00000
MTH 40A/BThesis00000
MTH 322Chaos, Fractals and Dynamics00000
MTH 818Topics in Algebra00000
MTH 820Image Analysis00000
MTH 125Mathematics for Professional Programs00000
MTH 240Calculus II00000
MTH 312Differential Equations and Vector Calculus00000
MTH 380Probability and Statistics I00000
MTH 425Differential Equations and Vector Calculus00000
MTH 501Numerical Analysis I00000
MTH 514Probability and Stochastic Processes00000
MTH 599Foundations of Mathematical Thought00000
MTH 609Number Theory00000
MTH 655Financial Innovations00000
MTH 707Modelling and Searching Networks00000
MTH 718Design and Codes00000
MTH 800Financial Mathematics II00000
MTH 110Discrete Mathematics I00000
MTH 108Linear Algebra00000
MTH 207Calculus and Computational Methods I00000
MTH 260Introduction to Mathematical Inquiry00000
MTH 314Discrete Mathematics for Engineers00000
MTH 404Probability and Statistics II00000
MTH 430Dynamic Systems Differential Equations00000
MTH 503Intro Linear Programming and Applications00000
MTH 540Geometry00000
MTH 601Numerical Analysis II00000
MTH 640Complex Analysis00000
MTH 665Mathematical Game Theory00000
MTH 714Logic and Computability00000
MTH 732Introduction to Fluid Dynamics00000
MTH 816Cryptography00000
MTH 825Topics in Analysis00000
MTH 210Discrete Mathematics II00000
MTH 231Modern Mathematics II00000
MTH 310Calculus and Computational Methods II00000
MTH 330Calculus and Geometry00000
MTH 410Statistics00000
MTH 480Probability and Statistics II00000
MTH 525Analysis00000
MTH 600Computational Methods in Mathematics00000
MTH 607Graph Theory00000
MTH 630Mathematical Biology00000
MTH 660Fixed Income Modelling00000
MTH 712Partial Differential Equations00000
MTH 810Selected Topics in Mathematics00000
MTH 817Combinatorics00000