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S&T Course Reviews

Missouri University of Science and Technology

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
COMPSCI 3601Digital Forensics55551
COMPSCI 5601Security Operations & Program Management53551
COMPSCI 2500Algorithms33451
COMPSCI 3610Computer Networks43551
COMPSCI 1570Introduction To C++ Programming00000
COMPSCI 1585Data Structures Laboratory00000
COMPSCI 1971Introduction To Programming Methodology00000
COMPSCI 1982MATLAB Programming Laboratory00000
COMPSCI 2002Cooperative Work Training00000
COMPSCI 2300File Structures and Introduction to Database Systems00000
COMPSCI 3000Special Problems00000
COMPSCI 3100Software Engineering I00000
COMPSCI 3500Programming Languages And Translators00000
COMPSCI 3800Introduction to Operating Systems00000
COMPSCI 3803Computer Organization00000
COMPSCI 4010Seminar00000
COMPSCI 4091Software Engineering Capstone II00000
COMPSCI 4099Undergraduate Research00000
COMPSCI 5000Special Problems00000
COMPSCI 5800Distributed Computing00000
COMPSCI 6000Special Problems00000
COMPSCI 6040Oral Examination00000
COMPSCI 6102Model Based Systems Engineering00000
COMPSCI 6204Applied Graph Theory for Computer Science00000
COMPSCI 6400Advanced Topics In Artificial Intelligence00000
COMPSCI 6406Machine Learning in Computer Vision00000
COMPSCI 6601Privacy Preserving Data Integration and Analysis00000
COMPSCI 6604Mobile, IoT and Sensor Computing00000
COMPSCI 1200Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science00000
COMPSCI 1575Data Structures00000
COMPSCI 1972Introduction to MATLAB Programming00000
COMPSCI 2001Special Topics00000
COMPSCI 2200Theory of Computer Science00000
COMPSCI 3001Special Topics00000
COMPSCI 3200Introduction To Numerical Methods00000
COMPSCI 3600Introduction to Computer Security00000
COMPSCI 3800HIntroduction To Operating Systems - Honors00000
COMPSCI 4000Special Problems00000
COMPSCI 4090Software Engineering Capstone I00000
COMPSCI 4097Software Systems Development II00000
COMPSCI 4610Computer Security00000
COMPSCI 5001Special Topics00000
COMPSCI 5200Analysis Of Algorithms00000
COMPSCI 5203Mathematical Logic I00000
COMPSCI 5205Real-Time Systems00000
COMPSCI 5400Introduction To Artificial Intelligence00000
COMPSCI 5402Introduction to Data Mining00000
COMPSCI 5405Java Gui & Visualization00000
COMPSCI 5407Introduction to Virtual Reality00000
COMPSCI 5500The Structure of a Compiler00000
COMPSCI 5602Introduction to Cryptography00000
COMPSCI 5802Introduction to Parallel Programming and Algorithms00000
COMPSCI 6001Special Topics00000
COMPSCI 6050Continuous Registration00000
COMPSCI 6200Algorithmics II00000
COMPSCI 6303Pervasive Computing00000
COMPSCI 6402Advanced Topics in Data Mining00000
COMPSCI 6600Formal Methods in Computer Security00000
COMPSCI 6602Network Performance Analysis00000
COMPSCI 6800Distributed Systems Theory And Analysis00000
COMPSCI 1500Computational Problem Solving00000
COMPSCI 1580Introduction To Programming Laboratory00000
COMPSCI 1981Programming Methodology Laboratory00000
COMPSCI 4001Special Topics00000
COMPSCI 4096Software Systems Development I00000
COMPSCI 4700Intellectual Property For Computer Scientists00000
COMPSCI 5099Research00000
COMPSCI 5201Object-Oriented Numerical Modeling I00000
COMPSCI 5204Regression Analysis00000
COMPSCI 5300Database Systems00000
COMPSCI 5401Evolutionary Computing00000
COMPSCI 5403Introduction to Robotics00000
COMPSCI 5406Interactive Computer Graphics00000
COMPSCI 5408Game Theory for Computing00000
COMPSCI 5600Computer Networks00000
COMPSCI 5700Bioinformatics00000
COMPSCI 5803Introduction to High Performance Computer Architecture00000
COMPSCI 6010Seminar00000
COMPSCI 6099Research Special Topics00000
COMPSCI 6202Markov Decision Processes00000
COMPSCI 6304Cloud Computing and Big Data Management00000
COMPSCI 6405Clustering Algorithms00000
COMPSCI 6407Internet of Things with Data Science00000
COMPSCI 6603Advanced Topics in Wireless Networks00000
COMPSCI 6801Topics in Parallel and Distributed Computing00000