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Salem State Course Reviews

Salem State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EDS 770NContext and Culture in Teaching Esol00000
EDU 968ASchool Counseling Practicum I00000
CSC 425Computer Graphics and Games00000
EDC 882PStudent Teaching Practicum In History (8-12)00000
EDA 902Programmatic Assessment for Initial Education Licensure II00000
CRJ 350Introduction to Courts00000
EDU 347Mathematics In The Elementary School With Field Experiences00000
BIO 210Basic Nutrition00000
DAN 320Modern Dance History00000
BIO 322Biological Oceanography00000
EDC 771Methods of Teaching English II00000
EDC 362Second Language Acquisition00000
CHE 340Techniques In Inorganic And Organic Synthesis00000
EDG 980CSSeminar In Educational Leadership III00000
BHS 302Health Policy00000
EDS 835Data-Driven Instruction00000
CRJ 875Directed Study00000
EDU 776Current Issues in Student Affairs00000
ART 344Intermediate Darkroom Photography00000
EEC 308Supporting Dual Language Learners and Their Families in Earl...00000
BIO 304Microbiology and Its Applications00000
ECO 317Government Finance00000
ART 500Directed Studies00000
EDC 226Social Justice for Prek-8Th Curriculum II00000
BIO 406Advanced Topics in Microbiology00000
EDC 741Social Studies Methods in Elementary Grades00000
EDC 432Fieldwork Seminar II: Critical Issues and Effective Practice...00000
BUS 802Legal and Ethical Environment00000
EDC 805Professional Lives of Teachers:Connecting Policy, Rsrch, and...00000
BHS 123Human Rights and the Public Health00000
EDC 893PStudent Teaching Practicum In Spanish (P-6)00000
CRJ 220Theories of Crime and Justice00000
EDS 420Classroom Management and Positive Behavior Support00000
ART 330Mixed Media Painting00000
EDS 799Teaching Reading, Writing, and Vocabulary to English Learner...00000
CRJ 530Directed Study In Criminal Justice00000
EDS 992Special Topics in Higher Education and Student Affairs00000
BIO 121Diversity of Life00000
EDU 736Psychology of Learning00000
CSC 295Computer Architecture and Organization00000
EDU 875ADirected Study00000
ART 100AIntroduction to World Art00000
EEC 200Creative Arts For Young Children00000
DAN 112Ballet III00000
EEC 410Capstone Seminar in Early Education and Care00000
ART 416Graphic Design Portfolio00000
ECO 201Principles of Macroeconomics00000
BIO 315Natural History Of The Vertebrates00000
ECO 321Behavioral Economic00000
ART 177Creative Expression in Visual Art: Drawing00000
EDC 120Justice in Education00000
BIO 400Neuroanatomy00000
EDC 250Learning to Think Like an Educator00000
ATR 479Senior Seminar in Athletic Training00000
EDC 405Culturally Responsive Teaching00000
BIO 411Immunology00000
EDC 733Seminar III: Crt For Ece Classrooms00000
EDC 462Fieldwork Seminar II: Critical Issues and Effective Practice...00000
BUS 370International Business00000
EDC 754Field Seminar IV Sel for the Elementary Education Classroom00000
ATR 806Manual Therapy for Musculoskeletal Conditions00000
EDC 783Methods of Teaching Spanish II00000
CHE 131General Chemistry II00000
EDC 835Practicum Seminar I In Early Childhood Education00000
ART 316Printmaking - Monoprint00000
EDC 890PStudent Teaching Practicum In Elementary Physical Education00000
CHE 441Advanced Inorganic Chemistry00000
EDG 900BSchool Adjustment Counseling Practicum II00000
BHS 230Academic and Professional Writing in Healthcare00000
EDG 980ASSeminar In Educational Leadership I00000
CRJ 280Private Security And Loss Prevention00000
EDS 491Methods and Materials in Special Education00000
AGS 730Learning To Lead00000
EDS 793Second Language Acquisition00000
CRJ 380Criminal Profiling00000
EDS 825Connecting, Research, Policy & Practice in Education00000
BHS 495Senior Project in Healthcare Studies00000
EDS 891Methods and Materials in Special Education00000
CRJ 716Hate Crimes00000
EDU 300Teaching Reading, & Children's Literature In The Elementary...00000
ART 334ANative American and African Art (Not Offered Every Year)00000
EDU 719Student Affairs:Theory, Research And Practice00000
CSC 263Database Systems00000
EDU 741CLiteracy Assessment (All Levels)00000
BIO 200Anatomy and Physiology I00000
EDU 817CLiteracy Intervention Strategies (All Levels)00000
CSC 315AComputer Networks and Data Communications00000
EDU 920XSPracticum Seminar In Early Childhood Education00000
ACC 400Advanced Accounting00000
EDU 985APracticum in Student Affairs I00000
DAN 100Introduction to Dance00000
EEC 302Integrating Mathematics and Science in Early Childhood00000
BIO 218Ecology & the Environment00000
DAN 130Hip Hop I00000
ACC 300Intermediate Accounting I00000
ACC 800Accounting Analysis For Decision Making00000
ART 295Typography00000
ATR 708Clinical Examination & Diagnosis 1: Lower Extremity00000
BUS 170HIntroduction To Business: Honors00000
EDC 716Elementary Full Time Pre-Practicum00000