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Salem State Course Reviews

Salem State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSC 340Artificial Intelligence00000
CSC 521Computer Science Capstone Project00000
CSC 425Computer Graphics and Games00000
CSC 351Software Engineering II00000
CSC 300Software Engineering I00000
CSC 295Computer Architecture and Organization00000
CSC 263Database Systems00000
CSC 105Survey of Computer Science00000
CSC 485Robotics And Computer Vision00000
CSC 415Analysis Of Algorithms00000
CSC 115Software Design and Programming II00000
CSC 299Concepts of Programming Languages00000
CSC 276Topics In Computer Science00000
CSC 260Data Structures and Algorithms00000
CSC 110Software Design and Programming I00000
CSC 520Computer Science Capstone Project Specification00000
CSC 381Operating System Principles00000
CSC 315AComputer Networks and Data Communications00000
CSC 279C+C++00000