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Salem State Course Reviews

Salem State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EDC 705Assessment And Instructional Practice00000
EDC 741Social Studies Methods in Elementary Grades00000
EDC 740Literacy Methods In The Elementary Grades00000
EDC 736Early Childhood Pre-Practicum00000
EDC 734Field Seminar IV: Sel for the Early Childhood Classroom00000
EDC 733Seminar III: Crt For Ece Classrooms00000
EDC 723Steam Methods in Early C Hilhood I: Science, Technology, Eng...00000
EDC 722Steam Methods in the Early Childhood II: Mathematics00000
EDC 721Social Studies And Creative Arts Methods In Early Childhood00000
EDC 720Literacy Methods In The Early Primary Grades00000
EDC 716Elementary Full Time Pre-Practicum00000
EDC 742Mathematics Methods in Elementary Grades00000
EDC 526CECapstone Seminar in Community Education00000
EDC 461Fieldwork Seminar I; Critical Issues And Effective Practices...00000
EDC 451Fieldwork Seminar I: Critical Issues And Effective Practices...00000
EDC 431Fieldwork Seminar I: Critical Issues And Effective Practice...00000
EDC 416Introduction to Assessment00000
EDC 406Literacy Development II00000
EDC 404Introduction To Teaching00000
EDC 400Literacy Development I00000
EDC 362Second Language Acquisition00000
EDC 345Directed Field In Community Education00000
EDC 815Legal And Ethical Issues For Early Childhood And Elementary...00000
EDC 892PSPracticum Seminar In Spanish Education00000
EDC 891PStudent Teaching Practicum In Secondary Physical Education00000
EDC 890PStudent Teaching Practicum In Elementary Physical Education00000
EDC 884PStudent Teaching Practicum In Mathematics (8-12)00000
EDC 882PSPracticum Seminar In Teaching History00000
EDC 880PStudent Teaching Practicum In English (8-12)00000
EDC 856Practicum Seminar II in Elementary Education00000
EDC 850Practicum I In Elementary Education00000
EDC 834SPracticum Seminar In Early Childhood Education00000
EDC 830Practicum I In Early Childhood Education00000
EDC 315Policy and Practice in Community Education00000
EDC 805Professional Lives of Teachers:Connecting Policy, Rsrch, and...00000
EDC 796Classroom Management Seminar For Elementary & Early Childhoo...00000
EDC 795CUniversal Design for Learning Practice00000
EDC 783Methods of Teaching Spanish II00000
EDC 775Methods of Teaching Mathematics II00000
EDC 773Methods of Teaching History and the Social Sciences II00000
EDC 771Methods of Teaching English II00000
EDC 763Classroom Management and Community Building00000
EDC 760Adolescent Literacy In The Disciplines00000
EDC 753Field Seminar III: Crt For Eled Classrooms00000
EDC 425Children Literature and Social Justice00000
EDC 772Methods Of Teaching History And The Social Sciences I00000
EDC 770Methods Of Teaching English I00000
EDC 762Technology Methods00000
EDC 754Field Seminar IV Sel for the Elementary Education Classroom00000
EDC 743Science Methods in Elementary Grades00000
EDC 710Fundamentals of Lesson Planning00000
EDC 527CEInternship in Community Education00000
EDC 462Fieldwork Seminar II: Critical Issues and Effective Practice...00000
EDC 452Fieldwork Seminar II: Critical Issues and Effective Practice...00000
EDC 432Fieldwork Seminar II: Critical Issues and Effective Practice...00000
EDC 774Methods Of Teaching Mathematics I00000
EDC 415Effective Udl Classroom Practices00000
EDC 405Culturally Responsive Teaching00000
EDC 401Fundamentals of Lesson Planning00000
EDC 399Special Topics in Educational Studies00000
EDC 361Culture and Context in Teaching Esl00000
EDC 325Program Planning And Evaluation In Education00000
EDC 250Learning to Think Like an Educator00000
EDC 227Environmental Justice For Prek-8Th Curriculum I00000
EDC 225Social Justice for Prek-8Th Curriculum I00000
EDC 210Introduction To Community Education00000
EDC 882PStudent Teaching Practicum In History (8-12)00000
EDC 228Environmental Justice for Prek-8Th Curriculum II00000
EDC 226Social Justice for Prek-8Th Curriculum II00000
EDC 220Uniquely Human: A Spectrum Of Abilities Leading To A Neurodi...00000
EDC 205Educational Psychology00000
EDC 115Exploring Education00000
EDC 893PStudent Teaching Practicum In Spanish (P-6)00000
EDC 892PStudent Teaching Practicum In Spanish (5-12)00000
EDC 890PSPracticum Seminar In Teaching Physical Education00000
EDC 885PStudent Teaching Practicum In Mathematics (5-8)00000
EDC 884PSPracticum Seminar In Teaching Mathematics00000
EDC 120Justice in Education00000
EDC 880PSPracticum Seminar In Teaching English00000
EDC 855Practicum Seminar I In Elementary Education00000
EDC 835Practicum Seminar I In Early Childhood Education00000
EDC 834First/Second Grade Practicum00000
EDC 829Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten Practicum00000
EDC 810Technology Methods In The Early Primary And Elementary Grade...00000
EDC 804School-Based Internship00000
EDC 795BUniversal Design For Learning Methods00000
EDC 782Methods Of Teaching Spanish I00000