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Salisbury Course Reviews

Salisbury University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 431Advanced Drawing00000
ART 246Painting I00000
ART 227Digital Design & Layout00000
ART 201Introduction to Art History00000
ART 121Design Principles00000
ART 590Independent Study00000
ART 495Graphic Design Agency00000
ART 480Advanced New Media00000
ART 442Advanced Painting00000
ART 280New Media I00000
ART 426Graphic Design III00000
ART 399International Field Study00000
ART 391Special Topics In Art History00000
ART 380New Media II00000
ART 366Direct Metal Sculpture00000
ART 362Figure Sculpture00000
ART 355Digital Imaging00000
ART 367Site-Specific And Installation Art00000
ART 499Senior Exhibition00000
ART 491Internship00000
ART 471Advanced Glass00000
ART 441Painting IV00000
ART 429Studio Techniques and Applied Film Photography00000
ART 416Advanced Ceramics00000
ART 397Professional Practices00000
ART 390Advanced Study in Art00000
ART 351Printmaking: Etching00000
ART 361Sculpture II00000
ART 352Printmaking: Silkscreen00000
ART 336History of Graphic Design00000
ART 326Graphic Design II00000
ART 315Pottery00000
ART 310History Of Italian Renaissance Art00000
ART 301Northern Renaissance Art00000
ART 328Illustration00000
ART 395Special Topics In Art00000
ART 381User Experience Design00000
ART 371Glass II00000
ART 365Woodworking And Sculpture00000
ART 359Advanced Digital Photography00000
ART 353Printmaking: Relief00000
ART 350Printmaking: Lithography00000
ART 330Drawing III00000
ART 415Ceramics Tools and Techniques00000
ART 316Ceramic Handbuilding and Sculpture00000
ART 311History Of Pre-Columbian Art00000
ART 305Art Since 194500000
ART 299Sophomore Seminar00000
ART 261Sculpture I00000
ART 229Photography I00000
ART 215Ceramics I00000
ART 226Graphic Design I00000
ART 340Painting II00000
ART 329Alternative Processes in Film Photography00000
ART 318Book Arts00000
ART 312Web Design00000
ART 306History Of Greek And Roman Art00000
ART 300History of Modern Art to 194500000
ART 271Glass I00000
ART 230Drawing II00000
ART 129Introduction to Digital Photography00000
ART 130Drawing I00000
ART 104Art Appreciation00000
ART 498Senior Capstone In Art History00000
ART 490Independent Study00000
ART 461Advanced Sculpture00000
ART 440Painting III00000
ART 430Drawing IV00000