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SBCC Course Reviews

Santa Barbara City College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART NC184Collage and Mixed Media: FOA00000
ART NC218Figure Drawing: FOA00000
ART NC436Enameling-Glass on Metal: FOA00000
ART NC444Jewelry Workshop: FOA00000
ART NC704Stained Glass: FOA00000
ART NC748Monotypes and Monoprints FOA00000
ART NC888Modelng Figure-Clay: FOA00000
ART NC192Art a la Carte: FOA00000
ART NC112Keeping an Art Journal: FOA00000
ART NC135Art and the Environment: FOA00000
ART NC153Light and Shadow in ART: FOA00000
ART NC190Abstract Painting: FOA00000
ART NC356Beginning Stone Carving: FOA00000
ART NC439The Art of Jewel Lev 1: FOA00000
ART NC525Antiques for Older Adults00000
ART NC705Beginning Stained Glass: FOA00000
ART NC799Beginning Glass Fusing: FOA00000
ART NC896Clay Handbuilding: FOA00000
ART NC101Beginning Oil Painting: FOA00000
ART NC115Color Exploration: FOA00000
ART NC138Painting in Acrylic: FOA00000
ART NC154Beg. Watercl. Paint. flow: FOA00000
ART NC193Artists Open Studio: FOA00000
ART NC433Southwest Style Jewl: FOA00000
ART NC441Jewl Soldring-Inf, Focus: FOA00000
ART NC585Art Exper. & Convers: FOA00000
ART NC722Chin Callig & Brush Paint: FOA00000
ART NC823Ceramic, Opt. for Creatve: FOA00000
ART NC906Individualized Sewing00000
ART NC106Exploring Watercolor: FOA00000
ART NC122Composition and Design: FOA00000
ART NC142Watercl. & the great Outd: FOA00000
ART NC156Botanical Illustration: FOA00000
ART NC211Beginning Drawing: FOA00000
ART NC434Specialized Jewel Tech: FOA00000
ART NC443Lost Wax Casting: FOA00000
ART NC701Beginning Calligraphy: FOA00000
ART NC723Glass Arts Workshop: FOA00000
ART NC851Beg. Porcelain: FOA00000
ART NC180Color Capt. Lght: Beg Wtr: FOA00000
ART NC107Oil and Acrylic Painting: FOA00000
ART NC126Splashing Watercolor: FOA00000
ART NC146Interm. & Adv. Painting: FOA00000
ART NC168Pastels: For Older Adults00000
ART 100Art in Culture00000
ART 101Visual Literacy00000
ART 102BLate Twentieth Century Art00000
ART 102AEarly 20th Century Art00000
ART 103Hist of Art:Prehistoric-Gothic00000
ART 103HPrehist. to Gothic Art, Honors00000
ART 104Hist of Art: Renaissnce-Modern00000
ART 104HHist Of Art: Ren-Modern,Honors00000
ART 106History Of American Art00000
ART 108History of Asian Art00000
ART 110History Of Women In Art00000
ART 111Survey Of Tribal Arts00000
ART 112Survey Of Pre-Columbian Art00000
ART 114History Of Photography00000
ART 118Portfolio Seminar Visual Art00000
ART 119Art Field Studies00000
ART 120Fundamentals of Drawing00000
ART 121Intermediate Drawing00000
ART 123Figure and Portrait Drawing00000
ART 124AClassical Animation I00000
ART 124BClassical Animation II00000
ART 130Integrated Drawing/Painting00000
ART 132Fund Of Painting00000
ART 133Intermediate Painting00000
ART 134Theory & Application in Paint00000
ART 137Advanced Painting00000
ART 140Studio Art Foundations (2-D)00000
ART 141Studio Art Foundations 3D00000
ART 150Fundamentals of Ceramics00000
ART 151Intermediate Ceramics00000
ART 152Advanced Ceramics00000
ART 154Ceramic Sculpture00000
ART 155Glaze Formulation00000
ART 170Introduction to Sculpture00000
ART 171Intermediate Sculpture00000
ART 172Advanced Sculpture00000
ART 180Sculpture Fabrication00000
ART 181Int Sculpture Fabrication00000
ART 182Advanced Sculpture Fabrication00000
ART 190Introduction to Printmaking00000
ART 191Intermediate Printmaking00000
ART 192Advanced Printmaking00000
ART 193Beg Printmaking: Silkscreen00000
ART 194Int Printmaking: Silkscreen00000
ART 195Printmaking, Theory & Applicat00000
ART 215Survey Of Non-Western Art00000
ART 216Survey: Islamic Art & Architec00000