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Scranton Course Reviews

University of Scranton

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHS 337(D)Counseling Girls & Women00000
CHS 441(SL,EPW)Crisis Intervention00000
CHS 384ST: Wellness00000
CHS 360Individual Assessment00000
CHS 341(SL)Group Dynamics00000
CHS 338(SL)Povert/Homeles/Soc Justice00000
CHS 333(SL,D)Multicultural Counseling00000
CHS 327Intro to Prof School Couns00000
CHS 242Counseling Theories00000
CHS 112(SL)Human Services Systems00000
CHS 110X(FYS)The Ignatian Imagination00000
CHS 481Advanced Internship in CHS00000
CHS 421Addictions00000
CHS 375Counseling LGBTQ Persons00000
CHS 343Med/Psychosoc Aspects Disabil00000
CHS 340Career Seminar00000
CHS 111(S)Intro to Human Adjustment00000
CHS 334Marital and Family Counseling00000
CHS 328CHS in P-12 Schools00000
CHS 293(EPW)Research Methods in HS00000
CHS 184X(FYS)CHS First Year Seminar00000
CHS 100X(FYS)Jesuit Mission/Helping Pr00000
CHS 440Job Development00000
CHS 380Internship in Human Services00000
CHS 344Vocational Evaluation00000
CHS 342Foundations of Rehab00000
CHS 339Counseling Boys & Men00000
CHS 335Admin in Human Services00000
CHS 330Introduction to Art Therapy00000
CHS 322Cognitive Disabilities00000
CHS 241(SL,D)Case Mgmt/Interviewing00000