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SFU Course Reviews

Simon Fraser University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CMNS 322Documentary Media (4)21211
CMNS 304WCommunication in Everyday Life (4)44331
CMNS 494Communication Practicum III (3)00000
CMNS 487Special Topics in Communication (4)00000
CMNS 496Communication Practicum V (3)00000
CMNS 498Honours Research Project (10)00000
CMNS 801Design and Methodology in Communication Research (5)00000
CMNS 804Seminar in Advanced Communication Theory (5)00000
CMNS 898MA Thesis (10)00000
CMNS 347Communication in Conflict and Intervention (4)00000
CMNS 354Communication and Social Issues in Design (4)00000
CMNS 356Communication to Mitigate Disasters (4)00000
CMNS 358Sound Recording: Theory and Design (4)00000
CMNS 362Evaluation Methods for Applied Communication Research (6)00000
CMNS 387Special Topics in Communication (4)00000
CMNS 395Communication Practicum I (3)00000
CMNS 408Communication Network Project Group (4)00000
CMNS 488Selected Topics in Communication (4)00000
CMNS 423Globalization: Cultural Issues (4)00000
CMNS 482Directed Study (4)00000
CMNS 480Directed Study (2)00000
CMNS 461Field Placement in Dialogue (3)00000
CMNS 458Information Technology Project Group (4)00000
CMNS 454Computer Supported Cooperative Work: Critical Perspectives (4)00000
CMNS 452Race and the Media (4)00000
CMNS 448International Communication Project Group (4)00000
CMNS 445Media and Popular Culture in China (4)00000
CMNS 443Comparative Asian Media Systems (4)00000
CMNS 437Media Democratization: From Critique to Transformation (4)00000
CMNS 432Political Communication, Public Opinion and Political Marketing (4)00000
CMNS 428Media Analysis Project Group (4)00000
CMNS 426Video Design for Social Communication (4)00000
CMNS 489Field Placement in Communication (4)00000
CMNS 899PhD Thesis (6)00000
CMNS 897MA Project (10)00000
CMNS 895Comprehensive Examination (6)00000
CMNS 857Selected Topics in Communication Studies (5)00000
CMNS 855Selected Topics in Communication Studies (5)00000
CMNS 850Directed Readings and Research (5)00000
CMNS 844Communication and Global Power Shifts (5)00000
CMNS 835Communication and Cultural Policies, Power and Governance (3)00000
CMNS 824Colonialism, Culture and Identity (5)00000
CMNS 815Social Construction of Communication Technologies (5)00000
CMNS 802History of Communication Theory (5)00000
CMNS 800Contemporary Approaches in Communication Studies (5)00000
CMNS 497Honours Research Proposal (5)00000
CMNS 495Communication Practicum IV (3)00000
CMNS 410Media and Ideology (4)00000
CMNS 483Directed Study (5)00000
CMNS 481Directed Study (3)00000
CMNS 479Directed Study (1)00000
CMNS 460Seminar in Dialogue and Public Issues (4)00000
CMNS 455WWomen and New Information Technologies (4)00000
CMNS 453Issues in the Information Society (4)00000
CMNS 447Negotiation and Dialogue as Communication (4)00000
CMNS 446Communication, Science and Technology (4)00000
CMNS 444Political Economy of International Communication (4)00000
CMNS 440Labour, Communication and the Media (4)00000
CMNS 433Issues in Communication and Cultural Policy (4)00000
CMNS 431News Research and Analysis (4)00000
CMNS 427Participatory Youth Media Cultures (4)00000
CMNS 425Applied Communication for Social Issues (4)00000
CMNS 348Globalization and Media (4)00000
CMNS 859Acoustic Dimensions of Communications (5)00000
CMNS 858Selected Topics in Communication Studies (5)00000
CMNS 856Graduate Seminar (5)00000
CMNS 851Directed Studies (5)00000
CMNS 848Communication and Global Social Justice (5)00000
CMNS 840Political Economy of Communications (5)00000
CMNS 830Media & Cultural Studies (5)00000
CMNS 820Media, Democratic Communication and the Concept of the Public (5)00000
CMNS 486Special Topics in Communication (4)00000
CMNS 359The Culture and Politics of Sound (4)00000
CMNS 357Audio Media Analysis (4)00000
CMNS 355Technologies of Gender and Sexuality (4)00000
CMNS 353Topics in Technology and Society (4)00000
CMNS 349Environment, Media and Communication (4)00000
CMNS 860Graduate Colloquium in Global Communication (5)00000
CMNS 346Development Communication (4)00000
CMNS 334Cultural Policy (4)00000
CMNS 332Communication and Rhetoric (4)00000
CMNS 327Media, Learning, and Social Change (4)00000
CMNS 325Visualization and Visual Culture in Communication (4)00000
CMNS 323WCultural Dimensions in Advertising (4)00000
CMNS 321Cultural Production of Popular Music (4)00000
CMNS 286Selected Topics (3)00000
CMNS 258History of Sound in Media (3)00000
CMNS 240The Political Economy of Communication (3)00000
CMNS 230The Cultural Industries in Canada: Global Context (3)00000
CMNS 223WAdvertising as Social Communication (3)00000
CMNS 220Understanding Television (3)00000
CMNS 202Design and Method in Qualitative Communication Research (4)00000
CMNS 226Digital Media Communication Techniques (3)00000
CMNS 201Empirical Communication Research Methods (4)00000
CMNS 396Communication Practicum II (3)00000
CMNS 388Special Topics in Communication (4)00000
CMNS 386Special Topics in Communication (4)00000
CMNS 342Science and Public Policy: Risk Communication (4)00000
CMNS 333Digital Policies in a Global Context: Current Issues, Concepts and Analysis (4)00000
CMNS 331News Discourse as Political Communication (4)00000
CMNS 326Applied Media Workshop: On the Hill (4)00000
CMNS 324Media, Sports and Popular Culture (4)00000
CMNS 310Media and Modernity (4)00000
CMNS 287Selected Topics (3)00000
CMNS 259Listening, Culture and Society (3)00000
CMNS 253WIntroduction to Information Technology: The New Media (3)00000
CMNS 235News Media, the Public, and Democracy (3)00000
CMNS 424Colonialism, Culture and Identity (4)00000
CMNS 221Media and Popular Cultures (3)00000
CMNS 210Media History (3)00000
CMNS 201WEmpirical Communication Research Methods (4)00000
CMNS 130Communication and Social Change (3)00000
CMNS 110Introduction to Communication Studies (3)00000
CMNS 896MA Extended Essays (6)00000
CMNS 894MA Extended Essay (5)00000
CMNS 893MA Project (6)00000
CMNS 892Co-op II00000
CMNS 891Co-op I00000
CMNS 882Research Field Work (5)00000
CMNS 881Research Practicum (5)00000
CMNS 880Directed Readings and Research (5)00000