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SJFC Course Reviews

St. John Fisher College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ACCT 102Principles of Acct II00000
ACCT 301Cost Accounting00000
ACCT 360Intro to Acct Info Syst00000
ACCT 415Govt NFP & Advanced Topics00000
ACCT 101Principles of Accounting I00000
ACCT 202Intermediate Acct II00000
ACCT 310Career Planning00000
ACCT 401Auditing00000
ACCT 491Internship in Accounting00000
ACCT 201Intermediate Acct I00000
ACCT 304Advanced Financial Acct00000
ACCT 311Intro to Federal Taxation00000
ACCT 412IndSt-Adv Federal Taxation00000
ACCT 497Tax Challenge00000