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SJFC Course Reviews

St. John Fisher College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AMST 123This is America00000
AMST 199CRW Research-Based Writing00000
AMST 203CP1 Hollywood Film Genres00000
AMST 216P2 Feminist Theory00000
AMST 233DP1 American Memory00000
AMST 234DP1 Promised Land00000
AMST 270Career Planning Seminar00000
AMST 320CP1 Culture&Art in America00000
AMST 370AMST: Discipline & Theory00000
AMST 475Washington DC-Internship00000
AMST 477Washington DC-Forum00000
AMST 1020Seeing Segregation00000
AMST 1299Research-based Writing00000
AMST 2201Photography and Amer Scene00000
AMST 2310Crime in Context00000
AMST 2370Race, Gender&Social Change00000
AMST 2460Feminist Dialogues00000
AMST 180DCC Indians in Amer Culture00000
AMST 201CP1 Picturing the Past00000
AMST 210PP3 American Experience00000
AMST 217P1 Amer Crime Narratives00000
AMST 235P2 Catholics in America00000
AMST 300DP1 Reading Amer Culture00000
AMST 321PP1 Culture&Art America II00000
AMST 470IndSt-Senior Research Sem00000
AMST 476Washington DC-Seminar00000
AMST 490Internship00000
AMST 1001American Identities00000
AMST 1030Refugees & Race in ROC00000
AMST 2140Immigration Stories00000
AMST 2203America at the Movies00000
AMST 2380Myths/Truths Native Amer00000
AMST 3990Adv Research-Based Writing00000