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SJFC Course Reviews

St. John Fisher College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ECON 106CP3 Prin of Macroeconomics00000
ECON 202IntermediateMacroeconomics00000
ECON 222Nonparametric Statistics00000
ECON 250Law & Economics00000
ECON 301CMoney and Banking00000
ECON 302Public Sector Economics00000
ECON 314Intro to Econometrics00000
ECON 317CHistory of Econ Thought00000
ECON 340CInternational Economics00000
ECON 402Intro to Game Theory00000
ECON 475WashDC Experience-Intern00000
ECON 477WashDC Experience-Forum00000
ECON 1020Econ of Social Choices00000
ECON 105CP3 Prin of Microeconomics00000
ECON 201CIntermed Microeconomics00000
ECON 221SQ Statistics I00000
ECON 224Economics of Health Care00000
ECON 254Economics of Crime00000
ECON 310Labor Econ&Labor Relations00000
ECON 316Economics of Development00000
ECON 330Economics of Sport00000
ECON 360Environmental Economics00000
ECON 416Seminar In Economics00000
ECON 476WashDC Experience-Sem00000
ECON 491Internship00000
ECON 1199Numbers Don't Lie,Do They?00000