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SJSU Course Reviews

San Jose State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CMPE 245Embedded Wireless Architecture24221
CMPE 255Data Mining54551
CMPE 146Real-Time Embedded System Co-Design52551
CMPE 195ASenior Design Project I45451
CMPE 165Software Engineering Process Management00000
CMPE 180Individual Studies00000
CMPE 152Compiler Design00000
CMPE 142Operating Systems Design00000
CMPE 138Database Systems I00000
CMPE 133Software Engineering II00000
CMPE 130Advanced Algorithm Design00000
CMPE 125Digital Design II00000
CMPE 120Computer Organization and Architecture00000
CMPE 50Object-Oriented Concepts and Methodology00000
CMPE 298Special Problems00000
CMPE 295BMaster Project II00000
CMPE 294Computer Engineering Seminar00000
CMPE 285Software Engineering Processes00000
CMPE 281Cloud Technologies00000
CMPE 277Smartphone Application Development00000
CMPE 273Enterprise Distributed Systems00000
CMPE 265High Speed Digital System Design00000
CMPE 258Deep Learning00000
CMPE 242Embedded Hardware Design00000
CMPE 220System Software00000
CMPE 243Embedded Systems Applications00000
CMPE 299AMaster Thesis I00000
CMPE 297Special Topics in Computer/Software Engineering00000
CMPE 287Software Quality Assurance and Testing00000
CMPE 282Cloud Services00000
CMPE 279Software Security Technologies00000
CMPE 274Business Intelligence Technologies00000
CMPE 266Big Data Engineering and Analytics00000
CMPE 260Reinforcement Learning00000
CMPE 256Advanced Data Mining00000
CMPE 249Intelligent Autonomous Systems00000
CMPE 180DDigital Design and Microprocessors00000
CMPE 226Database Systems00000
CMPE 217Human Computer Interaction00000
CMPE 212System Verification00000
CMPE 208Network Architecture and Protocols00000
CMPE 202Software Systems Engineering00000
CMPE 195CInterdisciplinary Senior Project I00000
CMPE 195FSenior Design Project II00000
CMPE 188Machine Learning for Big Data00000
CMPE 182Internet of Things Security00000
CMPE 210Software-defined Networks and Network Functions Virtualizati...00000
CMPE 198Technology and Civilization00000
CMPE 275Enterprise Application Development00000
CMPE 272Enterprise Software Platforms00000
CMPE 264Advanced Digital and Computing System Design00000
CMPE 257Machine Learning00000
CMPE 252Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering00000
CMPE 244Embedded Software00000
CMPE 240Advanced Computer Design00000
CMPE 219HCI for Cyber Security00000
CMPE 213Parallel Computing00000
CMPE 209Network Security00000
CMPE 206Computer Network Design00000
CMPE 280Web UI Design and Development00000
CMPE 189Special Topics in Computer Engineering00000
CMPE 183Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains00000
CMPE 180COperating Systems Design00000
CMPE 180AData Structures and Algorithms in C++00000
CMPE 163Introduction to Computer Graphics and Augmented Reality00000
CMPE 139Fundamentals of Data Mining00000
CMPE 135Object-Oriented Analysis and Design00000
CMPE 131Software Engineering I00000
CMPE 126Algorithms and Data Structure Design00000
CMPE 124Digital Design I00000
CMPE 140Computer Architecture and Design00000
CMPE 102Assembly Language Programming00000
CMPE 207Network Programming and Application00000
CMPE 200Computer Architecture00000
CMPE 195BSenior Design Project II00000
CMPE 195ESenior Design Project I00000
CMPE 187Software Quality Engineering00000
CMPE 181Internet of Things Platforms00000
CMPE 180BDatabase Systems00000
CMPE 172Enterprise Software Platforms00000
CMPE 148Computer Networks I00000
CMPE 214GPU Architecture and Programming00000
CMPE 137Wireless Mobile Software Engineering00000
CMPE 132Information Security00000
CMPE 127Microprocessor Design I00000
CMPE 110Electronics for Computing Systems00000
CMPE 30Programming Concepts and Methodology00000
CMPE 299BMaster Thesis II00000
CMPE 298IComputer/Software Engineering Internship00000
CMPE 295AMaster Project I00000
CMPE 286Internet of Things00000
CMPE 283Virtualization Technologies00000