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SJSU Course Reviews

San Jose State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
KIN 20ABeginning Badminton33321
KIN 35ABeginning Weight Training42441
KIN 21ABeginning Tennis00000
KIN 293BFieldwork in Athletic Training II00000
KIN 1Adapted Physical Activities00000
KIN 2BIntermediate Swimming00000
KIN 7Mexican Folklorico Dance00000
KIN 10ABeginning Kayaking00000
KIN 14CAdvanced Volleyball00000
KIN 15ABeginning Basketball00000
KIN 18ABeginning Handball00000
KIN 20BIntermediate Badminton00000
KIN 287Advanced Clinical Exercise Physiology00000
KIN 22BIntermediate Racquetball00000
KIN 24ABeginning Bowling00000
KIN 27ABeginning Table Tennis00000
KIN 30Pilates00000
KIN 34Step Training00000
KIN 36Conditioning through Cross Training00000
KIN 40ATopics in Modern Dance I00000
KIN 42ATopics in Jazz Dance I00000
KIN 47ABeginning West Coast Swing00000
KIN 198Internship in Kinesiology00000
KIN 169Diversity, Stress and Health00000
KIN 170CFieldwork in Adapted Physical Activity00000
KIN 172Elementary School Programs, K-600000
KIN 175Measurement and Evaluation in Kinesiology00000
KIN 179Design and Assessment of Movement Experiences00000
KIN 187Clinical Exercise Physiology00000
KIN 191AAdvanced Assessment of Lower Extremity Injuries00000
KIN 194Therapeutic Exercise00000
KIN 197BPracticum in Athletic Training II00000
KIN 293AFieldwork in Athletic Training I00000
KIN 255Advanced Exercise Physiology00000
KIN 257Biomechanics00000
KIN 264Sport Sociology00000
KIN 267Advanced Sport Psychology00000
KIN 271Advanced Topics in Athletic Training00000
KIN 280Advanced Fieldwork in Sport Management00000
KIN 282Marketing and Social Aspects of Sport00000
KIN 285Internship in Kinesiology00000
KIN 52CCompetitive Judo00000
KIN 256Environmental Exercise Physiology00000
KIN 170CSSeminar in Adapted Physical Education00000
KIN 173Introduction to Teaching Physical Education and Non-Traditio...00000
KIN 176Exercise Psychology00000
KIN 180Independent Study00000
KIN 188Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries00000
KIN 191BAdvanced Assessment of Upper Extremity Injuries00000
KIN 195Therapeutic Modalities00000
KIN 197APracticum in Athletic Training I00000
KIN 250Fundamentals of Quantitative Research00000
KIN 170CFFieldwork in Adapted Physical Education00000
KIN 263International Sport and Physical Education00000
KIN 266Principles and Concepts of Perceptual Motor Learning00000
KIN 269Evidence Based Research and Practice in the Mgmt and Assessm...00000
KIN 273Evidence Based Research in the Practice of Therapeutic Modal...00000
KIN 283Management, Leadership and Communication in Sport00000
KIN 286Independent Study00000
KIN 292ALeadership and Administration in Athletic Training00000
KIN 293DFieldwork in Athletic Training IV00000
KIN 299Master's Thesis or Project00000
KIN 108Adapted Physical Activity for Young Adults with Disabilities00000
KIN 163Physical Fitness and Nutrition00000
KIN 53ABeginning Karate00000
KIN 54ABeginning Tae Kwon Do00000
KIN 61BIntermediate Hatha Yoga00000
KIN 65ABeginning Ice Hockey00000
KIN 69Stress Management: A Multidisciplinary Perspective00000
KIN 80Individual Movement Studies00000
KIN 101Sport in America00000
KIN 106Advanced SCUBA and Aquatic Technology00000
KIN 50Tai Chi (Non-Combative)00000
KIN 147Biomechanical Assessment of Movement00000
KIN 151Sports and Fitness Marketing00000
KIN 153Sport Facility and Event Management00000
KIN 155Exercise Physiology00000
KIN 156Introduction to Adapted Physical Activity00000
KIN 159Sport and Adapted Activities00000
KIN 162Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription00000
KIN 164Sociocultural Perspectives00000
KIN 167Sports Psychology00000
KIN 189Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries Laboratory00000
KIN 158Biomechanics00000
KIN 161Philosophical Perspectives of Sport00000
KIN 165Motor Development00000
KIN 168Psychology of Coaching00000
KIN 170BField Experience-Teaching00000
KIN 170DFieldwork in Sport Management00000
KIN 174Assessment of Psychomotor Function00000
KIN 178Management Practices for Physical Education Teachers00000
KIN 185Senior Seminar00000
KIN 63ABeginning Hiking and Backpacking00000
KIN 193Organization & Administration in Athletic Training00000
KIN 197CPracticum in Athletic Training III00000
KIN 197DPracticum in Athletic Training IV00000
KIN 251Fundamentals of Qualitative Research00000
KIN 259Advanced Internship in Adapted Physical Activity00000
KIN 265Advanced Motor Development00000
KIN 268Evidence Based Research and Practice in Management and Asses...00000
KIN 272Evidence Based Research in the Practice of Therapeutic Exerc...00000
KIN 281Legal and Ethical Aspects of Sport00000
KIN 28ABeginning Gymnastics00000
KIN 3Water Polo00000
KIN 9ABeginning Sailing00000
KIN 13ABeginning Rugby00000
KIN 14BIntermediate Volleyball00000
KIN 18BIntermediate Handball00000
KIN 19BIntermediate Soccer00000
KIN 22ABeginning Racquetball00000
KIN 23BIntermediate Archery00000
KIN 25ABeginning Golf00000
KIN 284Financial Aspects of Sport00000
KIN 31Body Sculpting00000
KIN 37Fitness Walking00000
KIN 41ATopics in Ballet I00000
KIN 46ABeginning Social Dance00000
KIN 49ATopics in Tap Dance I00000
KIN 51BIntermediate Aikido00000
KIN 52BIntermediate Judo00000
KIN 54BIntermediate Tae Kwon Do00000
KIN 61ABeginning Hatha Yoga00000
KIN 105Water Safety Instructor's Course00000
KIN 48ABeginning Latin Dance00000
KIN 51ABeginning Aikido00000
KIN 52ABeginning Judo00000
KIN 53BIntermediate Karate00000
KIN 55ABeginning Self-Defense00000
KIN 62ABeginning Ice Skating00000
KIN 68Visual Representations of Sport in Popular Culture00000
KIN 70Introduction to Kinesiology00000
KIN 100WWriting Workshop00000
KIN 45ABeginning Lindy Hop and Night Club Swing00000
KIN 107Adapted Aquatics00000
KIN 111Sport & Movement in a Global Context00000
KIN 145APhysical Activity for Older Adults00000
KIN 149Child Health and Physical Activity00000
KIN 152Theory of Sport and Fitness Management00000
KIN 154BECG Interpretations and Graded Exercise Testing00000
KIN 157Physiological Assessment00000
KIN 160History of Sport and Physical Education00000
KIN 2CAdvanced Swimming00000
KIN 20CAdvanced Badminton00000
KIN 292BSeminar in Sports Medicine II00000
KIN 293CFieldwork in Athletic Training III00000
KIN 298Special Studies00000
KIN 2ABeginning Swimming00000
KIN 8Skin and SCUBA Diving00000
KIN 11ABeginning Rowing00000
KIN 14ABeginning Volleyball00000
KIN 15BIntermediate Basketball00000
KIN 19ABeginning Soccer00000
KIN 166Motor Learning00000
KIN 21BIntermediate Tennis00000
KIN 23ABeginning Archery00000
KIN 24BIntermediate Bowling00000
KIN 25BIntermediate Golf00000
KIN 29Cardio Kickboxing00000
KIN 32Aerobics00000
KIN 35BIntermediate Weight Training00000
KIN 38Beginning Jogging00000