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SJSU Course Reviews

San Jose State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 30PCalculus I with Precalculus32341
MATH 30Calculus I22231
MATH 31XCalculus II42441
MATH 1015AStatway A: Statistics-Concepts & Methods00000
MATH 280Graduate Individual Studies00000
MATH 285AAdvanced Topics in Applied Mathematics00000
MATH 295EMathematics Comprehensive Exam Preparation00000
MATH 299Master's Thesis00000
MATH 1005AEntry Level Mathematics I00000
MATH 1008SCollege Algebra Review00000
MATH 1010DSSupport Course for MATH 10D00000
MATH 42WDiscrete Math Workshop00000
MATH 1019SSupported Instruction for MATH 1900000
MATH 185Special Topics in Mathematics00000
MATH 19Precalculus00000
MATH 30PLCalculus I with Precalculus00000
MATH 31Calculus II00000
MATH 32HHonors Multivariable Calculus00000
MATH 33AOrdinary Differential Equations for SCI & ENGR00000
MATH 71WCalculus Workshop for Business/Aviation00000
MATH 231BFunctional Analysis00000
MATH 150Theory of Interest00000
MATH 162Statistics for Bioinformatics00000
MATH 164Mathematical Statistics00000
MATH 167Programming in SAS00000
MATH 178Mathematical Modeling00000
MATH 180HIndividual Studies for Honors00000
MATH 196WIntro to Mathematical Cryptography00000
MATH 221AHigher Algebra I00000
MATH 275BAdvanced Topics in Topology00000
MATH 234Advanced Dynamical Systems00000
MATH 243MNumerical Linear Algebra00000
MATH 251Statistical and Machine Learning Classification00000
MATH 257Multivariate Data Analysis00000
MATH 263Stochastic Processes00000
MATH 265Time Series Theory and Methods00000
MATH 269Statistical Consulting00000
MATH 285Advanced Topics in Mathematics00000
MATH 233AApplied Mathematics I00000
MATH 243ANumerical Solution of PDEs00000
MATH 252Cluster Analysis00000
MATH 258Categorical Data Analysis00000
MATH 261ARegression Theory and Methods00000
MATH 267BComputational Statistics00000
MATH 267AStatistical Programming with R00000
MATH 279AGraph Theory00000
MATH 229Advanced Matrix Theory00000
MATH 287Professional Development in College Teaching00000
MATH 298Special Study00000
MATH 1001SSupported Instruction for MATH 00100000
MATH 1005BEntry Level Mathematics II00000
MATH 1010PSSupport Course for MATH 10P00000
MATH 1015BStatway B: Statistics-Concepts & Methods00000
MATH 1018ASSupport Course for MATH 18A00000
MATH 151Fundamentals of Data Science00000
MATH 142Introduction to Combinatorics00000
MATH 134Ord. Diff. Eqns and Dynamical Systems00000
MATH 104History of Mathematics00000
MATH 108Introduction to Abstract Mathematics and Proofs00000
MATH 123WDifferential Equations And Linear Algebra Workshop00000
MATH 128AAbstract Algebra I00000
MATH 129BLinear Algebra II00000
MATH 132Advanced Calculus00000
MATH 133AOrdinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 50Scientific Computing I00000
MATH 146An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography00000
MATH 161AApplied Probability and Statistics I00000
MATH 163WProbability Workshop00000
MATH 167RStatistical Programming with R00000
MATH 170Mathematical Modeling for the Life Sciences00000
MATH 179Introduction to Graph Theory00000
MATH 188IStudent Internships00000
MATH 221BHigher Algebra II00000
MATH 180RUndergraduate Research in Mathematics00000
MATH 131AIntroduction to Analysis00000
MATH 133WOrdinary Differential Equations Workshop00000
MATH 138Complex Variables00000
MATH 143CNumerical Analysis and Scientific Computing00000
MATH 161BApplied Probability and Statistics II00000
MATH 163Probability Theory00000
MATH 167PSIntroduction to Python Programming and SQL00000
MATH 177Linear and Non-Linear Optimization00000
MATH 129ALinear Algebra I00000
MATH 203Applied Mathematics, Computation, and Statistics Projects00000
MATH 226Theory of Numbers00000
MATH 231AReal Analysis00000
MATH 238Advanced Complex Variables00000
MATH 250Mathematical Methods for Data Visualization00000
MATH 253Mathematical Methods for Data Visualization00000
MATH 261BDesign and Analysis of Experiments00000
MATH 264Bayesian Data Analysis00000
MATH 32XCalculus III00000
MATH 10PMathematics in Politics00000
MATH 10DProbability, Data Science, Ethics, and You00000
MATH 12Number Systems00000
MATH 15SStatway Part B: Statistics-Concepts & Methods00000
MATH 18BTrigonometry00000
MATH 30WCalculus I Workshop00000
MATH 30XCalculus I00000
MATH 32Calculus III00000
MATH 267Computational Statistics00000
MATH 39Linear Algebra I00000
MATH 42Discrete Mathematics00000
MATH 71Calculus for Business and Aviation00000
MATH 102Secondary School Mathematics00000
MATH 106Intuitive Geometry00000
MATH 115Modern Geometry and Transformations00000
MATH 127Applied and Industrial Algebra00000
MATH 105Concepts in Mathematics, Probability, Statistics00000
MATH 18BWTrigonometry Workshop00000
MATH 19WPrecalculus Workshop00000
MATH 31WCalculus II Workshop00000
MATH 32WCalculus III Workshop00000
MATH 33LADifferential Equations and Linear Algebra00000
MATH 42XDiscrete Mathematics00000
MATH 70Finite Mathematics00000
MATH 71XCalculus for Business and Aviation00000
MATH 18AWCollege Algebra Workshop00000
MATH 112Vector Calculus00000
MATH 123Differential Equations and Linear Algebra00000
MATH 126Theory of Numbers00000
MATH 128BAbstract Algebra II00000
MATH 131BIntroduction to Real Variables00000
MATH 133BPartial Differential Equations00000
MATH 8WCollege Algebra Workshop00000
MATH 1290RCulminating Experience Supervision00000
MATH 275ATopology00000
MATH 279BAdvanced Graph Theory00000
MATH 281Research Seminar00000
MATH 288IInternships00000
MATH 297APreparation for Writing Project, Research Project or Thesis00000
MATH 1005WEntry Level Mathematics II Workshop00000
MATH 1010ASSupport Course for Math 10A00000
MATH 1015WStatway Supplemental Activity00000
MATH 143MNumerical Analysis and Scientific Computing00000
MATH 1Mathematical Reasoning00000
MATH 8College Algebra00000
MATH 10AMathematics in Art, Music, and Politics00000
MATH 10Mathematics for General Education00000
MATH 15FStatway Part A: Statistics-Concepts & Methods00000
MATH 15CStatway C: Statistics-Concepts & Methods00000
MATH 18ACollege Algebra00000