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SJU Course Reviews

Saint Joseph's University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 206Impressionism & 19th Cent. Art00000
ART 104Experience of Architecture00000
ART 106Art of Colonial Latin America00000
ART 130Art Therapy00000
ART 133Drawing I00000
ART 1413-D Studio Art I00000
ART 143Mosaics I00000
ART 145Figurative Sculpture00000
ART 147Intro to Sculpture Mixed Media00000
ART 170Intro to Video Art00000
ART 173Digital Photography I00000
ART 175Image Manipulation: Photoshop00000
ART 190Fundamentals of Graphic Design00000
ART 203Renaissance Art & Architecture00000
ART 101Intro to Art History I00000
ART 208Modern Art & Architecture00000
ART 210Museums, Society, & Diversity00000
ART 235Painting II00000
ART 243Ceramic Surface Design00000
ART 247Sculpture Mixed Media II00000
ART 272Darkroom Photography II00000
ART 275Experimental Digital Photo00000
ART 333Drawing III00000
ART 344Ceramics III00000
ART 372DirectedProjects Photography00000
ART 374Adv. Comm. Studio Photography00000
ART 470Research Seminar00000
ART 495Senior Project I (Capstone)00000
ART 207American Art & Architecture00000
ART 105Arts of East Asia00000
ART 107Women, Gender, & Art00000
ART 132Illustration I00000
ART 135Painting I00000
ART 142Pottery 100000
ART 144Ceramics 100000
ART 146Sculpture and the Environment00000
ART 150Blasphemy and Devotion00000
ART 172Traditional Photography I00000
ART 174Alternate Photographic Process00000
ART 180Encountering Mystery00000
ART 202Late Antique and Medieval Art00000
ART 204Baroque Art & Architecture00000
ART 102Intro to Art History II00000
ART 209Contemporary Art & Architectur00000
ART 233Drawing II00000
ART 242Pottery II00000
ART 244Ceramics II00000
ART 270Commercial Photography00000
ART 273Commercial Photography00000
ART 290Typography: Design Letterform00000
ART 335Painting III00000
ART 370Pottery 300000
ART 373Photo Essay/Docu Photo00000
ART 390Commercial Design00000
ART 491Internship I00000
ART 496Senior Project II00000