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Skidmore Course Reviews

Skidmore College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MU 208Music Cultures in Asia00000
MU 353Music Technology II00000
MU 358Composition00000
MU 371AIndep Study Music00000
MU 373Senior Thesis00000
MU 385Conducting00000
MU 106DIntroduction to Jazz00000
MU 141Found Theory/Musicianship00000
MU 205BBlack Music00000
MU 345NAsian Musicians Global Stages00000
MU 242Materials and Struct II00000
MU 309Music in South Asia00000
MU 345Divas, Death, and Desire00000
MU 352Film Scoring00000
MU 357Composition00000
MU 371DIndep Study Music00000
MU 371CIndep Study Music00000
MU 376Sr Proj Music Technol00000
MU 363Coda in Music00000
MU 107Aural Skills00000
MU 201Found Theory/Musicianship00000
MU 208WMusic and Culture00000
MU 241Materials and Struct I00000
MU 255Music Technology I00000
MU 344B18th Century Music and Ideas00000
MU 345BMusic and Media00000
MU 355Orchestration00000
MU 101Rudiments of Music00000
MU 371BIndep Study Music00000
MU 374Senior Composition Proj00000
MU 106CIntro to African Soundscapes00000
MU 200Thinking About Music00000
MU 205AMusic and the Global Woman00000
MU 2201960s British Rock00000
MU 243Topics in Theory and Analysis00000
MU 319Music, Gender and Sexuality00000