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SMC Course Reviews

Saint Mary's College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 350Alternative Media: Art 1945-8900000
ART 211WCeramics: Introduction to Clay00000
ART 216Introduction to Furniture Design00000
ART 221Photography I00000
ART 224Video Art00000
ART 226Graphic Design00000
ART 238Fiber:Surface Design00000
ART 241Art History Survey I00000
ART 266Introduction to New Media00000
ART 274Introduction to Landscape Architecture00000
ART 290WEarth Art00000
ART 311Advanced Ceramics: Hand Building and Slip Casting00000
ART 325Video Art II00000
ART 335Animation Workshop00000
ART 338Advanced Fiber: Surface Design00000
ART 344Film History and Analysis00000
ART 210Web Design and Development I00000
ART 355Art Today: Art Since 199000000
ART 357Holography Workshop00000
ART 371TP:East by SE Refocus Mod Asia00000
ART 385Design Research Methods00000
ART 397Independent Study00000
ART 403Teaching Art in High School00000
ART 417Advanced Sculpture00000
ART 421Photography III: Beyond the Frame00000
ART 486Dark Romanticism00000
ART 490Furniture Design00000
ART 495Senior Comprehensive in Art History or Studio Art00000
ART 497Independent Study00000
ART 499Internship00000
ART 998Advanced Writing Proficiency00000
ART 999Senior Comprehensive00000
ART 323Photo-Silkscreen00000
ART 103Design Lab -CTS00000
ART 205Painting: Oil00000
ART 208Relief Printmaking: Traditional & Contemporary Approaches00000
ART 211Ceramics: Introduction to Clay00000
ART 212Throwing on the Wheel00000
ART 219Sculptural Knitting and Crochet00000
ART 223Introduction to Digital Photography00000
ART 225Typography00000
ART 236Sustainable Textiles00000
ART 239Fiber: Fabric Printing00000
ART 242Art History Survey II00000
ART 270Tpc:Concept Art for Videogames00000
ART 290The Sustainable Cup00000
ART 305Advanced Painting00000
ART 321Photography II: Lighting Workshop00000
ART 101HC2D Art Fundamentals00000
ART 330Artists Books00000
ART 337Advanced Fiber: Surface Construction00000
ART 343History of Photography00000
ART 345Modern Art and Design00000
ART 354Picturing Biodiversity: The Art of Natural History00000
ART 356Environment in Contemp Art00000
ART 366Game Design00000
ART 374Design and the Environment Studio II00000
ART 390Installation Art00000
ART 402Teaching Art in Preschool through 800000
ART 411Alternative Processes in Ceramics00000
ART 101Drawing I00000
ART 102Drawing II00000
ART 125Silkscreen00000
ART 207Water-based Media00000