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Sou Course Reviews

Southern Oregon University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BI 366LSpecial Topics: Advanced Human Anatomy Laboratory III00000
BI 470Herpetology00000
BI 461Invertebrate Natural History00000
BI 454LPlant Ecology Lab00000
BI 450LFish and Fisheries Laboratory00000
BI 444Vascular Plant Identification and Field Botany00000
BI 438Conservation Biology00000
BI 430Neurodegeneration and Biology of Aging00000
BI 425Molecular Biology00000
BI 415LMammalogy Lab00000
BI 409Practicum00000
BI 384Where did we come from? A Scientific Explanation for the Ori...00000
BI 471Ornithology00000
BI 362Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology II00000
BI 353Microbiology Laboratory00000
BI 348Evolution00000
BI 346Biogeochemistry00000
BI 342Cell Biology00000
BI 341Genetics00000
BI 340LIntroductory Ecology Lab00000
BI 317Vertebrate Natural History00000
BI 314Comparative Animal Physiology00000
BI 233Human Anatomy and Physiology III00000
BI 102General Biology: Organisms00000
BI 575LAquatic Ecology Lab00000
BI 571LOrnithology Lab00000
BI 570Herpetology00000
BI 554Plant Ecology00000
BI 544Vascular Plant Identification and Field Botany00000
BI 221Careers in Biology00000
BI 214Elementary Microbiology00000
BI 212LPrin of Biol: Evol & Div Lab00000
BI 211Principles of Biology: Molecules, Cells, and Genes00000
BI 103LGen Biol: Populations Lab00000
BI 232LHuman Anatomy/Physiol II Lab00000
BI 101LGen Biol: Cells Lab00000
BI 575Aquatic Ecology00000
BI 570LHerpetology Lab00000
BI 561LIntervebrate Natural Hist Lab00000
BI 550Fish and Fisheries00000
BI 538Conservation Biology00000
BI 515LMammalogy Lab00000
BI 511Ethnobotany00000
BI 488Junior Seminar in Biology00000
BI 475Aquatic Ecology00000
BI 351Microbiology00000
BI 430LNeurodegeneration and Biology of Aging Laboratory00000
BI 425LMolecular Biology Lab00000
BI 415Mammalogy00000
BI 411Ethnobotany00000
BI 399Special Studies: Immunology00000
BI 386Forest Ecology and Management00000
BI 383How And Why Do Animals Behave00000
BI 363Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology III00000
BI 361Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology I00000
BI 355Pathophysiology and Pathogenesis00000
BI 444LPlant Identification and Field Botany00000
BI 348REvolution Recitation00000
BI 342LCell Biology Laboratory00000
BI 341LGenetics Laboratory00000
BI 340Introductory Ecology00000
BI 317LVertebrate Nat Hist Lab00000
BI 314LComparative Animal Phys Lab00000
BI 233LHuman Anat/Phys III Lab00000
BI 232Human Anatomy and Physiology II00000
BI 231Human Anatomy and Physiology I00000
BI 231LHuman Anatomy/Physiology I Lab00000
BI 550LFish and Fisheries Lab00000
BI 214LElem Microbiology Lab00000
BI 213LPrin of Biol:Func/Ecol Org Lab00000
BI 212Principles of Biology: Evolution and Diversity00000
BI 211LPrin Biol:Molec/Cell/Genes Lab00000
BI 103General Biology: Populations00000
BI 102LGen Biol: Organisms Lab00000
BI 101General Biology: Cells00000
BI 571Ornithology00000
BI 561Biology of the Lower Invertebrates00000
BI 554LPlant Ecology Lab00000
BI 213Principles of Biology: Function and Ecology of Organisms00000
BI 544LPlant Identification and Field Botany00000
BI 515Mammalogy00000
BI 489Senior Research Seminar00000
BI 475LAquatic Ecology Lab00000
BI 471LOrnithology Lab00000
BI 470LHerpetology Lab00000
BI 461LInvertebrate Natural History Lab00000
BI 456Immunology00000
BI 454Plant Ecology00000
BI 450Fish and Fisheries00000