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Sou Course Reviews

Southern Oregon University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ED 446Assess/Eval English Lang Lrnrs00000
ED 484Curric Design Early Childhood00000
ED 480Foundations in Early Childhood00000
ED 477Honors Multicultural Education00000
ED 474AHonors Curriculum/Instruction00000
ED 472Nutrition/Health/Safety for YC00000
ED 470The Exceptional Child00000
ED 463BReading/Lang Arts Methods B00000
ED 463Reading and Language Arts Methods B00000
ED 461Health/PE Methods00000
ED 459Philosophical Foundations: ED00000
ED 457Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment00000
ED 457ACurriculum and Instruction00000
ED 455Honors/Ldrshp and Advcy in ECE00000
ED 453SOU Learn/Serve (SOULS)00000
ED 488Early Language Literacy Dev00000
ED 444English Lang. Dev00000
ED 439Social Emotional Learning00000
ED 437Science and the Young Child00000
ED 434Educational Technology00000
ED 430The Art of Storytelling00000
ED 426Bullies and Victims in the Schools00000
ED 424Core Reflection00000
ED 418Student Teaching: Full Day00000
ED 416Field Exp: Gradual Participate00000
ED 410Guide Group: Elementary Ed00000
ED 407Writing for EC Prof: B00000
ED 398Teaching Global Perspectives Through Children's Literature00000
ED 363Reading and Language Arts Methods A00000
ED 357Curriculum and Instruction for All learners00000
ED 537Science and the Young Child00000
ED 595Models of Prof. Ethics/Ldrshp00000
ED 593Observation/Eval of Teaching00000
ED 590Principles and Theories of Adult Learning and Development00000
ED 588Early Language Literacy Dev00000
ED 581From At-Risk to Resiliency00000
ED 577Project-Based Learning00000
ED 573Nutrition/Health/Safety for YC00000
ED 568Integration Projects00000
ED 557BCurriculum, Instruc, Assess00000
ED 554Leadership and Advocacy in ECE00000
ED 545A1st/2nd Lang Acquistn/Cultural00000
ED 544AEnglish Lang. Dev00000
ED 539Social Emotional Learning00000
ED 538Children Around the World00000
ED 348Children/Disabilities/Families00000
ED 531BProject Proposal00000
ED 531Study Proposal and Design00000
ED 530The Art of Storytelling00000
ED 529Talented and Gifted Education00000
ED 527Child Abuse and Neglect00000
ED 526Bullies/Victims in Schools00000
ED 525Play as Core Curriculum00000
ED 522Curriculum Design and Educational Change00000
ED 521APracticum/Portfolio00000
ED 512Introduction to Educational Research00000
ED 509HTCL Conference00000
ED 503BPortfolio00000
ED 495Reflective Inq/Prof Portfolio00000
ED 493Observation/Eval of Teaching00000
ED 427Child Abuse and Neglect00000
ED 466Human Relations00000
ED 463AReading/Lang Arts Methods A00000
ED 462Human Development00000
ED 460Multicultural Education00000
ED 458Social Science Methods00000
ED 457BCurric, Instruc, Assess: KF00000
ED 456Holistic Education00000
ED 454Leadership and Advocacy in ECE00000
ED 450Teaching and Working in Global Contexts00000
ED 4451st/2nd Lang Acquistn/Cultural00000
ED 443Fndtns Dual Lang. Ed Policies00000
ED 438Children Around the World00000
ED 435STEM: Math/Science Methods00000
ED 431Teaching English Learners00000
ED 471Inclusion Strategies00000
ED 425Play as Core Curriculum00000
ED 421Practicum/Portfolio00000
ED 417Student Teaching: Half Day00000
ED 415Music for Elementary Teachers00000
ED 409Practicum00000
ED 399Prof. Skills: Rdn/Wrtng00000
ED 385Early Childhood Professional00000
ED 361Health and PE Methods00000
ED 355Teaching Native America00000
ED 309Advanced Practicum00000
ED 253SOU Learn/Serve(SOULS)00000
ED 251HHonors Intro to Teaching00000
ED 240Whole Child Development00000
ED 215Music for Elementary Teachers00000
ED 556Holistic Education00000
ED 273Art Education Methods00000
ED 252Intro Social Foundations Educ00000
ED 251Introduction to Teaching00000
ED 234Educational Technology00000
ED 209Practicum00000
ED 598Learning in Organizations00000
ED 594Institutional Strategies for Student Support00000
ED 591Applied Strategies for Engaging Adult Learners00000
ED 589Interper Relations & Guid ECE00000
ED 584Curric Design Early Childhood00000
ED 580Foundations in Early Childhood00000
ED 575Trends and Issues in Environmental Education00000
ED 570The Exceptional Child00000
ED 560Diversity in the Workplace00000
ED 207Geography for Teachers00000
ED 546AAssess/Eval English Lang Lrnrs00000
ED 543AFndtns Dual Lang. Ed Policies00000
ED 524Core Reflection00000
ED 515Critical Issues in Education00000
ED 514Ed in Sociological Foundations00000
ED 507Teach/Work Global Context00000
ED 503AThesis00000
ED 500Advanced Classroom Mngmt.00000
ED 494Honors Observ/Eval of Teaching00000
ED 489Guidance of Young Children00000
ED 481From At-Risk to Resiliency00000
ED 478Honors Human Dev/Cog/Lrng00000
ED 476Honors Foundations of Ed00000
ED 473Art Education Methods00000