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Southeastern Course Reviews

Southeastern Louisiana University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 383Intermediate Painting00000
ART 105Survey World Art History I00000
ART 495Independent Study00000
ART 490Senior Project: New Media And Animation00000
ART 460Interactive And Environmental Design00000
ART 447Italian Renaissance Art00000
ART 442Early 20Th Century Art00000
ART 422Senior Projects in Visual Art + Design00000
ART 395Independent Study00000
ART 385Thematic Inquiry In Painting, Printmaking, And Drawing00000
ART 115Basic Ceramics00000
ART 362Motion Design00000
ART 347History of Photographic and Electronic Imaging00000
ART 333Sculpture II00000
ART 318Screen Printing II00000
ART 300Special Topics - Studio00000
ART 281Basic Painting00000
ART 218Screen Printing00000
ART 184Painting I00000
ART 153Basic 3/D Design00000
ART 374Art Education in the Secondary School00000
ART 497Intership: New Media And Animation00000
ART 492Senior Seminar in the Visual Arts00000
ART 466Internship:Graphic Design00000
ART 456Internship: Theatre Design00000
ART 444Seminar In Art History00000
ART 434Sculpture IV00000
ART 421Senior Projects Photography00000
ART 415Senior Project: Ceramics00000
ART 393Three Dimensional Digital Media and Animation00000
ART 122Basic Digital Photography00000
ART 361Print Design III00000
ART 340Greek And Roman Art00000
ART 322Photography on Assignment00000
ART 315Advanced Ceramics00000
ART 290New Media and Animation II00000
ART 231Sculpture I00000
ART 215Intermediate Ceramics00000
ART 160Typography00000
ART 151Foundations in Visual Language I: Introduction to Design + C...00000
ART 384Advanced Painting00000
ART 124Basic Darkroom Photography00000
ART 112Intermediate Drawing00000
ART 494Time-Based Media II00000
ART 461Senior Project: Graphic Design00000
ART 449Senior Thesis: Art History00000
ART 443Contemporary Art, Theory, Criticism00000
ART 433Senior Project:Sculpture00000
ART 411Senior Project: Drawing00000
ART 394Time-Based Digital Media I00000
ART 154Foundations in Visual Language II: Digital Media, Concepts a...00000
ART 371Art for the Elementary Teacher00000
ART 345Survey Of Graphic Design History00000
ART 317Printmaking III00000
ART 299Sophomore Review00000
ART 261Print Design II00000
ART 217Printmaking II00000
ART 161Print Design I00000
ART 152Intermediate 2/D Design00000
ART 117Printmaking I00000
ART 386Advance Studio Practice in Painting, Printmaking, and Drawin...00000
ART 111Basic Drawing00000
ART 499Thesis Exhibition00000
ART 4933-D Digital Modeling and Animation II00000
ART 483Senior Project:Painting00000
ART 459Internet Design00000
ART 445Western Medieval Art00000
ART 440Nineteenth Century Art00000
ART 417Senior Project: Printmaking00000
ART 397The Digital Print00000
ART 106Survey World Art History II00000
ART 373Art Education in the Elementary School00000
ART 348Baroque Art00000
ART 334Sculpture III00000
ART 321Advanced Photography00000
ART 311Advanced Drawing00000
ART 284Painting II00000
ART 220Intermediate Photography00000
ART 190New Media and Animation I00000