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SPC Course Reviews

St. Petersburg College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BSC 2426CBiotechnology Methods I00000
BSC 4032Issues & Challenges in Science Education00000
BSC 3931Special Topics in Biology00000
BSC 2940Biology Internship00000
BSC 2847Scientific Communication for Biotechnology00000
BSC 2427CBiotechnology Methods II00000
BSC 2250CField Biology of Florida with Lab00000
BSC 2085Human Anatomy & Physiology I00000
BSC 2011Biology II Organisms & Ecology00000
BSC 2010LBiology I Cellular Processes Laboratory00000
BSC 1005CBiological Sciences with Lab00000
BSC 4931Senior Seminar in Biology00000
BSC 3932Scientific Communication00000
BSC 3312CMarine Biology with Lab00000
BSC 2931Biotechnology Capstone00000
BSC 2461Introduction to Biotechnology Model Systems00000
BSC 1083Human Anatomy00000
BSC 2086LHuman Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory II00000
BSC 2085LHuman Anatomy & Physiology Lab I00000
BSC 2010CHHonors Biology I Cellular Processes with Laboratory00000
BSC 1084CEssentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology00000
BSC 4940Internship in Biological Sciences00000
BSC 4905CUndergraduate Research in Biology00000
BSC 3931LSpecial Topics in Biology Lab00000
BSC 3017Theory and Practice in the Biological Sciences00000
BSC 2910Directed Independent Research00000
BSC 2435Bioinformatics00000
BSC 2420Introduction to Biotechnology00000
BSC 2086Human Anatomy & Physiology II00000
BSC 2011LBiology II Laboratory00000
BSC 2010Biology I Cellular Processes00000
BSC 1930Biological Issues00000