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Stetson Course Reviews

Stetson University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
DIGA 251Digital Video Fundamentals44441
ANTH 101BUnderstanding Culture: An Introduction to Anthropology55551
COMM 201Public Speaking00000
BIOL 243QBiostatistics00000
CSEC 141Introduction to Cybersecurity00000
CHEM 203Physical Chemistry00000
ARTS 303Painting III00000
COMM 430BMedia, Nation, and (Im)Migration00000
AMST 256BThe 1950's and 1960's00000
BIOL 333Limnology00000
ANTH 397Internship in Anthropology00000
BIOL 450Plant Ecology00000
BSAN 527Machine Learning for Business Decisions00000
ARTS 202Sculpture II00000
CHEM 498Research Proposal00000
AERS 411Leadership Laboratory00000
COMM 321VGender in Communication00000
ARTS 491Open Studio00000
COUN 511Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling Seminar00000
ACCT 522Accounting and Managerial Decision-Making00000
DIGA 225Digital Photography00000
ANTH 201POur Human Origins: Introduction to Physical Anthropology00000
BIOL 409Neurobiology00000
ACCT 541Taxation of U.S. Partnerships00000
BLAW 297Business Law Internship00000
ARTH 314AThe Art and Theory of Modernism00000
BLAW 409Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis00000
BSAN 465Predictive Analytics00000
ARTS 100AVisual Concepts00000
CHEM 111PBeyond Fossil Fuels: Alternative Energy Choices00000
AERS 302Leadership Studies00000
CHEM 303Advanced Physical Chemistry00000
ARTS 214BAll Things are Delicately Interconnected Global Food and Art...00000
CINF 301Web Application Development00000
ACCT 508Governmental and Not-For-Profit Accounting00000
COMM 290Special Topics in Communication Studies: Korean Popular Cult...00000
ARTS 403Painting IV00000
COMM 339VRhetoric of War Films00000
AFST 345VLeading Diversity in the Workplace00000
COUN 504Group Counseling00000
BIOL 111PThe Human From Cell to Organism00000
CSCI 431Artificial Intelligence00000
ACCT 397Accounting Internship00000
DIGA 101ADigital Art Fundamentals00000
BIOL 305Flora of Florida Lab00000
BIOL 312Marine Vertebrate Biology00000
ACCT 533Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination00000
BIOL 397Internship in Biology00000
ANTH 301Qualitative Research Methods00000
BIOL 420Molecular Biology00000
ACCT 406Auditing I00000
BIOL 498Senior Project I00000
ARTH 242AArt History Survey II: From Renaissance to Contemporary00000
BLAW 407Business Law I00000
AERS 102Foundations of the Air Force00000
BSAN 250Management Information Systems00000
ARTH 334VCurating Visual Culture00000
BSAN 323VHealth Anamatics: Analytics, Informatics and Healthcare00000
BSAN 461Business Process Management00000
ARTH 385Isy: Cont Religious Art00000
BSAN 508Managerial Decision Analytics00000
AERS 212Leadership Laboratory00000
BSAN 593Electronic Commerce00000
ARTS 103APainting I00000
CHEM 142PGeneral Chemistry II00000
ACCT 490Special Topics in Accounting: Data Analytics for Accounting00000
CHEM 205Analytical Chemistry00000
ARTS 206APainting I00000
CHEM 307Nucleic Acid Structure, Function, and Metabolism00000
AERS 312Leadership Laboratory00000
CHIN 101Elementary Mandarin Chinese I00000
ARTS 222ACeramics: Wheel-Throwing00000
CINF 397Internship in Computer Information Systems00000
ACCT 341VMoney and Me: Behavioral Accounting00000
COMM 228SIntercultural Communication00000
ARTS 316Ceramics II00000
COMM 303Media Theory and Analysis00000
AFST 240AIntroduction to Africana Literature00000
COMM 335VCrime and Punishment in Media00000
ARTS 416Ceramics III00000
COMM 391Special Topics in Communication Studies (Applied): Language...00000
ACCT 516Advanced Auditing00000
COUN 501Evaluation and Assessment00000
ASIA 200SIntroduction to East Asian Studies00000
COUN 508Family Systems00000
AFST 395Teaching Apprenticeship00000
CSCI 321Software Development II00000
BIOL 121PThe Biological Basis of Behavior-Lab 100000
CSCI 498Senior Research I00000
ACCT 290Special Topics in Accounting: Personal Financial Decision-Ma...00000
CSEC 402System Administration and Cloud00000
BIOL 301Microbiology00000
DIGA 221Graphic Design00000
AMST 320HAmerican Women's History00000
BSAN 383Descriptive Analytics and Visualization00000
ACCT 202Fundamentals of Accounting II00000
ACCT 303Financial Accounting I00000
ACCT 421Managerial Cost Accounting00000
AERS 201The Evolution of Aerospace Studies00000
ARTH 365Collection Management00000