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Stevens Course Reviews

Stevens Institute of Technology

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CH 800Special Rsrch Prob in Chemistry55551
QF 197Online Writing Tutorial00000
BIA 610pplied Analytics00000
BME 453ioethics00000
SYS 801pecial Problems in SYS (PhD)00000
PEP 960Rsrch in Physics (PHD)00000
BIO 382iological Systems00000
OE 810Special Topics in OE00000
PEP 297SKIL I00000
REG 005Study Abroad (Consortium)00000
SOC 501Introduction to JAVA Programming00000
SYS 631DAU Level II & III Cert Exam00000
PEP 575Fund. of Atmos. Rad. & Climate00000
TM 702Curricular Practical Training00000
OE 527Lab Naval Architecture00000
BIA 672Marketing Analytics00000
PME 628fg&Pack.of Pharm. OSD Products00000
BIO 687Molecular Genetics00000
NANO 553Intro to Quantum Mechanics00000
BME 560ovement Control Rehabilitation00000
PEP 124hysics for B&T II00000
SM 535Innovation for Sustainable Bus.00000
NE 499Research in NE II00000
PEP 336Intro Astrophys/Cosmology00000
SOC 550Knowledge Dis & Data Mining00000
SSW 215Individual Software Engineering00000
SYS 611ystems Modeling and Simulation00000
PEP 553Quantum Mechanics with Eng Appl00000
SYS 655Robust Engineering Design00000
NIS 800pecial Problems in NIS (ME)00000
TM 610Business Info. Networks00000
PEP 680Quantum Optics00000
ACC 311Intermediate Accounting I00000
MT 707Curricular Practical Training00000
BIA 658Social Network Analysis00000
PME 540Validation in Life Sci. Mfg.00000
BIA 810Special Topics in BIA00000
OE 616Sediment Transport00000
BIO 526Cancer Biology00000
PRV 502Schlrshp for Service Capstn Crs00000
BIOE 900Thesis in Bioengineering00000
MT 521Chem/Material Eng Thermodynamics00000
BME 502Physiology for Engineers I00000
QF 401Senior Design Rsrch Proj in QF I00000
BME 675Nanomedicine00000
NE 322ngineering Design VI00000
SM 510Perspective in Environmental Mgt00000
PEP 209Modern Optics00000
SM 690Project in Sustainability Mangt00000
MT 562Solid State Electrn for Eng II00000
SOC 524Intro to Cloud Computing00000
PEP 305hysics of Biological Systems00000
SOC 593Data Mining II:Adv Algorithms00000
NIS 593Applied Data Struct. & Algor.00000
PEP 351Intro to Planetary Science00000
SSW 423Engineering Design VII00000
SSW 555Agile Methods for Software Dev.00000
SYS 511ys. Engr. Apps to Healthcare00000
PEP 538Intro to Mechanics00000
SYS 623Data Science&Knowledge Discovery00000
NIS 654Design&Anal Intelligent Net Sys00000
SYS 637Cost Eff. Space Mission Ops.00000
PEP 560Introduction to Remote Sensing00000
SYS 703Curricular Practical Training00000
MT 685Physical Design of Wire Comm Sys00000
TG 404Senior Innovation II00000
PEP 642Mechanics00000
TM 617Next Generation Wireless Systems00000
OE 520Design of Marine Structures00000
AAI 628Data Acquisition: Deep Learning00000
PEP 800Spec Prob Physics (MS)00000
ACC 352Federal Taxation-Business Entity00000
MT 516Photonics II00000
BIA 652Multivariate Data Analysis I00000
PIN 184innacle Scholar Seminar II00000
BIA 667Deep Learning and Business Apps00000
OE 560Introduction to Remote Sensing00000
BIA 678ig Data Technologies00000
PME 580edical Device Design & Tech.00000
BIO 282ntroductory Biology Laboratory00000
MT 900hesis in Materials (MS)00000
BIO 484Molecular Genetics00000
PME 900Thesis in PME (ME)00000
BIO 682iochemical Lab Techniq.00000
OE 645Hydrodyn Hi-Spd Mar Craf00000
BIO 900Masters Thesis in Chem. Biology00000
QF 104Data Management in R00000
BME 342Transport in Biological Systems00000
MIS 712Advanced Business Process Mgt00000
BME 498Research in BME I00000
QF 202inancial Time Series00000
BME 506iomechanics00000
PE 201Freshman Athletes00000
SSW 590DevOps Principles and Practices00000
QF 428Investment Practicum II00000
ME 685obile Microrobotic Systems00000
MT 501Intro Material Sci & Eng00000
MT 602Principles of Inorganic Matr Syn00000
NIS 609Communications Theory00000
PEP 440Astrophysical Flows00000