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Stevens Course Reviews

Stevens Institute of Technology

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ME 679ech Compressible Fluids00000
ME 510Power Plant Engineering00000
ME 504Int. Ballistics & Desn. Proj.00000
ME 470echanical Eng. Systems Lab00000
ME 401Special Problems in Mech Eng00000
ME 354Heat Transfer00000
ME 335Thermal Engineering00000
ME 225Dynamics00000
ME 900Thesis in Mechanical Engineering00000
ME 800Spec. Prob. in ME (MEN)00000
ME 700Sem: Mechanical Engr'g00000
ME 692Biomechanics of the Brain00000
ME 513Intro to Nuclear Engr'g00000
ME 665Advanced Product Development00000
ME 658Adv Mechanics of Solids00000
ME 655Wearable Robotics and Sensors00000
ME 652Advanced Additive Manufacturing00000
ME 644Comp-Integrtd Design & Manufctng00000
ME 635odeling and Simulation00000
ME 626anfctrng of Biophmctcl Products00000
ME 615Thermal System Design00000
ME 602Stat Mthd in Pharmctcl Manfctrng00000
ME 594Numerical Methods in ME00000
ME 580edical Device Design & Tech.00000
ME 628fg&Pack.of Pharm. OSD Products00000
ME 960Research in Mechanical Engineer'00000
ME 802Spec. Prob. ME (Deg ME)00000
ME 702Curricular Practical Training00000
ME 695Biomechanical Imaging: Princ/Met00000
ME 691Additive Manuft for Biologcl Sys00000
ME 675Comp Fld Dyn & Heat Tran00000
ME 663Finite Element Methods00000
ME 657Advanced Mechanics of Materials00000
ME 653Design for Additive Manufacturng00000
ME 645Design of Production Systems00000
ME 636Project Mgmt. & Organ. Design00000
ME 565Intro to Additive Manufacturing00000
ME 621Intro Modern Ctrl Engr'g00000
ME 604Advanced Heat Transfer00000
ME 598Intro to Robotics00000
ME 581Intro to BioMEMS00000
ME 560Qual. in Life Sci. Manufacturing00000
ME 554Intro Computer-Aided Dsn00000
ME 530Intro to Pharma. Manufacturing00000
ME 525Biomechanics00000
ME 521Nondestructive Evaluation00000
ME 518Solar Energy-Theory and Applicat00000
ME 540Validation in Life Sci. Mfg.00000
ME 651Analytic Dynamics00000
ME 641ngineering Analysis I00000
ME 631echanical Vibrations I00000
ME 623Design of Control Systems00000
ME 610Integrated Bionic Systems00000
ME 601ngr'g Thermodynamics00000
ME 587Human Factors Engineering00000
ME 566Dsgn/Manufacturability00000
ME 564Optimization Princ. In Mech Eng.00000
ME 555Lean Six Sigma00000
ME 546Introduction to Turbomachinery00000
ME 656Autonomous Navig. Mobile Robots00000
ME 529Adv/Mod Combust. Engines00000
ME 524Introduction to Remote Sensing00000
ME 519Solar Energy: System Designs00000
ME 514Sustainable Energy00000
ME 511Wind Energy-Theory & Application00000
ME 505Thry Perf/Prop & Expl I00000
ME 483Control Systems00000
ME 423ngineering Design VII00000
ME 358achine Dynamics & Mechanisms00000
ME 342Fluid Mechanics00000
ME 361Design of Machine Components00000
ME 535Good Manuf. Practice in Pharm.00000
ME 545Intro to Aerospace Engineering00000
ME 532Air Pollution Prin./Cont00000
ME 528Physiological Systems for Eng.00000
ME 522echatronics00000
ME 520Anal. & Dsgn Composites00000
ME 515Automotive Engineering00000
ME 512Intermediate Fluid Dynamics00000
ME 507xterior Ballistics00000
ME 491anuf. Processes and Systems00000
ME 424ngineering Design VIII00000
ME 234ech. Eng Thermodynamics00000
ME 345odeling and Simulation00000
ME 322ngineering Design VI00000
ME 181Seminar in Mechanical Eng.00000
ME 950echancl Engineer Design Project00000
ME 801Spec. Prob. in ME (PHD)00000
ME 701Co-Op Education Project00000
ME 694Continuum Biomechanics00000
ME 685obile Microrobotic Systems00000
ME 674Fluid Dynamics00000
ME 660edical Devices Manufacturing00000