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Stevens Course Reviews

Stevens Institute of Technology

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PEP 680Quantum Optics00000
PEP 330Intro Thermal&Statistical Phys00000
PEP 305hysics of Biological Systems00000
PEP 222hysics Lab II for Scientists00000
PEP 201hysics III for Engineers00000
PEP 124hysics for B&T II00000
PEP 111Mechanics00000
PEP 900Thesis in Physics (MS)00000
PEP 754Advanced Quantum Mechanics00000
PEP 351Intro to Planetary Science00000
PEP 644lectricity/Magnetism II00000
PEP 578Laser Appl & Adv. Optics00000
PEP 570Guided-Wave Optics00000
PEP 560Introduction to Remote Sensing00000
PEP 554Quantum Mechanics I00000
PEP 542lectromagnetism00000
PEP 527Math Meths Sci. & Eng. I00000
PEP 516hotonics II00000
PEP 424ngineering Design VIII00000
PEP 498SKIL VI00000
PEP 509Intermed. Waves & Optics00000
PEP 515hotonics I00000
PEP 525Surf. & Nanostruct. Character.00000
PEP 538Intro to Mechanics00000
PEP 552Theory of Relativity00000
PEP 555Stat Phys Kinetic Theory00000
PEP 561Solid State Electronics I00000
PEP 575Fund. of Atmos. Rad. & Climate00000
PEP 599Curricular Practical Training00000
PEP 653Quantum Mechanics II00000
PEP 685hysical Design of Wire Comm Sys00000
PEP 800Spec Prob Physics (MS)00000
PEP 901Thesis in PHE (MEN)00000
PEP 642Mechanics00000
PEP 151Introduction to Astronomy00000
PEP 221hysics Lab I for Scientists00000
PEP 297SKIL I00000
PEP 309Introductory Optics Lab00000
PEP 336Intro Astrophys/Cosmology00000
PEP 397SKIL III00000
PEP 440Astrophysical Flows00000
PEP 503Intro to Solid State Physics00000
PEP 511xperimental Quantum Information00000
PEP 520Computational Physics00000
PEP 528Math Meths Sci. & Eng II00000
PEP 553Quantum Mechanics with Eng Appl00000
PEP 557Quantum Info & Quantum Computatn00000
PEP 562Solid State Electrn for Eng II00000
PEP 577Laser Theory & Design00000
PEP 112lectricity & Magnetism00000
PEP 667Statistical Mechanics00000
PEP 690Introduction to VLSI Design00000
PEP 801Spec Prob Physics (PHD)00000
PEP 960Rsrch in Physics (PHD)00000
PEP 123hysics for B&T I00000
PEP 187Seminar in Physics00000
PEP 209Modern Optics00000
PEP 242Modern Physics00000
PEP 298SKIL II00000
PEP 322ngineering Design VI00000
PEP 337Observational Astrophysics00000
PEP 398SKIL IV00000
PEP 497SKIL V00000
PEP 507Intro Microelectronics/Photonics00000
PEP 510Modern Optics Laboratory00000