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StMU Course Reviews

St. Mary's University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AC 8361Financial Accounting Research and Communication00000
AC 6300Special Studies in Accounting: Info. Systems Controls and Au...00000
AC 5355Research in Federal Taxation00000
AC 5305Advanced Accounting00000
AC 4367Information Systems Controls and Audit00000
AC 4360Business Income Tax00000
AC 4350Personal Income Tax00000
AC 4330Auditing00000
AC 4305Advanced Accounting00000
AC 3361Enterprise Resource Planning00000
AC 3341Cost Accounting00000
AC 3320Intermediate Accounting II00000
AC 2320Introduction to Accounting II00000
AC 2302Managerial Accounting00000
AC 2301Financial Accounting00000
AC 5367Inf Systems Controls and Audit00000
AC 5306Accounting for Governments and Not-for-Profits00000
AC 4375Internship in Accounting00000
AC 4361Financial Modeling00000
AC 4355Research in Federal Taxation00000
AC 4340Business Intelligence00000
AC 4306Accounting for Governments and Not-for-Profits00000
AC 4300Special Studies in Accounting: Computer analytics in Busines...00000
AC 3350Business Law00000
AC 3331Accounting Information Systems00000
AC 3310Intermediate Accounting I00000
AC 2310Introduction to Accounting I00000