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StMU Course Reviews

St. Mary's University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CN 8381Advanced Research I00000
CN 7187Expressive Modalities of Play Therapy00000
CN 7112Internship Completion00000
CN 6361Abnormal Behavior and Crisis Counseling00000
CN 6357Counseling Practicum00000
CN 6352Career Planning00000
CN 6321Assessment and Appraisal in Counseling00000
CN 6123Seminar in Counseling00000
CN 8393Leadership, Advocacy and Service00000
CN 8391Dissertation Proposal00000
CN 7190Field Experience Play Therapy00000
CN 8375Working With Latino Families00000
CN 8365Doctoral Internship in Marriage and Family Therapy III00000
CN 8361Doctoral Internship III00000
CN 8355Advanced Theories of Counseling00000
CN 8318Neurofeedback Practicum00000
CN 8314Supervision Internship00000
CN 8218Neurofeedback Practicum00000
CN 8123Doctoral Seminar in Counseling00000
CN 7386Methods and Techniques of Play Therapy00000
CN 8118Neurofeedback Practicum00000
CN 8390Dissertation Research00000
CN 8377Qualitative Research00000
CN 8373Gender and Ethnicity Through the Life Cycle00000
CN 8363Doctoral Internship in Marriage and Family Therapy I00000
CN 8359Doctoral Internship I00000
CN 8350Philosophical Found Of Couns00000
CN 8324Process of Supervision in Counselor Education00000
CN 8315Supervision Practicum In Mft00000
CN 8301Professional Writing in Counseling00000
CN 7383MFT Internship Completion00000
CN 7399Thesis Direction00000
CN 7384MFT Outcome Research00000
CN 7381Marriage And Family Therapy Internship II00000
CN 7373Marriage And Family Life Development00000
CN 7367Community Counseling and Social Justice00000
CN 7359Internship in Counseling I00000
CN 7333Mental Health and Psychopathology00000
CN 7302Social/Cultural Issues in Counseling00000
CN 7287Relationship Education00000
CN 7350Advanced Clinical Practicum00000
CN 8317Theory and Practice of Neurofeedback00000
CN 8309Theory and Practice of University Teaching00000
CN 8194Professional Identity in Counselor Education and Supervision00000
CN 8110College And University Teaching00000
CN 7385Qualitative Research Methodologies00000
CN 7382Marriage and Family Therapy Internship III00000
CN 7375Child Development and Play Therapy00000
CN 7368Relational Approaches to Counseling00000
CN 7360Internship in Counseling II00000
CN 8325Process Of Supvsn In Mft00000
CN 7301Professional and Ethical Issues00000
CN 7283MFT Internship Completetion00000
CN 7199Clinical Mental Health Capstone Course00000
CN 7188Family Play Therapy00000
CN 7141Special Practicum In Marriage And Family Therapy00000
CN 6362Family Crises00000
CN 6354Introduction to Counseling00000
CN 6323Seminar in Counseling: Grant Writing for Non-Profits00000
CN 6253Group Process00000
CN 6355Theories of Counseling00000
CN 7380Marriage And Family Therapy Internship00000
CN 7369Field Placement Social Justice Practicum00000
CN 7361Internship in Counseling III00000
CN 7351Human Growth and Development00000
CN 7312Internship Completion00000
CN 7212Internship Completion00000
CN 7189Special Topics in Play Therapy: Trauma Work With Children an...00000
CN 7183Mft Internship Completion00000
CN 6381Methods of Research00000
CN 6000XContinuous Graduate Enrollment00000
CN 6341Introduction to Neuropsychological Theory00000
CN 6283Mft Person Therapist Training00000
CN 6150Group Counseling Methods00000
CN 8392Dissertation Defense00000
CN 8385Advanced Statistics00000
CN 8380Statistical Assessment00000
CN 8374Critical Theory And Social Justice In Mft00000
CN 8364Doctoral Internshi in Marriage and Family Therapy II00000
CN 8360Doctoral Internship II00000