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Swarthmore Course Reviews

Swarthmore College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
DANC 070Dance Techn: Pointe & Partneri00000
DANC 041Dance Technique: Ballet I00000
DANC 027Hip Hop: Danc Diaspora Local00000
DANC 023Contemporary Performance00000
DANC 012Dance Lab II:Making Dance00000
DANC 010The Fieldwork Of Music & Dance00000
DANC 003Taiko & Asian Amer Experience00000
DANC 096Senior Thesis00000
DANC 092Independent Study00000
DANC 079Dancing Desire Bollywood Film00000
DANC 042Dance Techn: Japanese Dance I00000
DANC 061Dance Technique- Ballet III00000
DANC 057PPE Dance: Taiko I00000
DANC 056Dance Technique: Tabla00000
DANC 054Dance Technique: Hip Hop00000
DANC 052Dance Techn: Pointe & Partneri00000
DANC 050PPE Dnce Tech:Contemp Modern II00000
DANC 049EDance Perf: Repertory- Ballet00000
DANC 049FPPE Dance: Repertory- Kathak00000
DANC 051PPE Dance: Ballet II00000
DANC 095Senior Thesis00000
DANC 080Dance Ensemble00000
DANC 071Salsa Dance/Drumming00000
DANC 070PPE Dance: Pointe & Partnering00000
DANC 060Dance Tech:Contemp Modern III00000
DANC 057Dance Technique: Taiko I00000
DANC 055Dance Technique: Mat Pilates00000
DANC 054PPE Dance Technique: Hip Hop00000
DANC 052PPE Dance: Pointe & Partnering00000
DANC 049ADance Perf: Repertory- Modern00000
DANC 049NDance Perf: Repertory-Improv00000
DANC 049APPE Dance: Repertory- Modern00000
DANC 049CPPE Dance: Repertory- African00000
DANC 049FDance Perf: Repertory- Kathak00000
DANC 049NPPE Dance: Repertory- Improv00000
DANC 049DPPE Dnce Repertory:SwatTaikoEns00000
DANC 045PPE Dance Technique: Yoga00000
DANC 044PPE Dance Technique: Tap00000
DANC 046Dance Technique-Kathak00000
DANC 055PPE Dance: Mat Pilates00000
DANC 053PPE Dance: African II00000
DANC 053Dance Technique: African II00000
DANC 051Dance Technique: Ballet II00000
DANC 050Dance Tech:Contemp Modern II00000
DANC 049DDance Repertory:Swat Taiko Ens00000
DANC 049BPPE Dance: Repertory- Tap00000
DANC 049CDance Perf: Repertory- African00000
DANC 049HDance Perf: Rep- Mov't Theater00000
DANC 056PPE Dance Technique: Tabla00000
DANC 045Dance Technique- Yoga00000
DANC 043Dance Technique:Afr Dance I00000
DANC 042PPE Dance: Japanese Dance I00000
DANC 040Dance Tech: Contemp Modern I00000
DANC 025ADance and Diaspora(W)00000
DANC 022Euro/America:19th/20th c.(W)00000
DANC 011Dance Lab I: Making Dance00000
DANC 005AMusic/Dance Cultur of the Wrld00000
DANC 013Dance Composition Tutorial00000
DANC 049BDance Perf: Repertory- Tap00000
DANC 049EPPE Dance: Repertory- Ballet00000
DANC 046PPE Dance: Kathak00000
DANC 044Dance Technique: Tap00000
DANC 043PPE Dance: African I00000
DANC 041PPE Dance: Ballet I00000
DANC 040PPE Dance Tech:Contemp Modern I00000
DANC 024Choreographing Disability00000
DANC 002FYS: Carnvl Cultu Mdrn Eur (W)00000
DANC 011ADance Production Practicum00000
DANC 004The Arts in Action00000
DANC 001AIntro Dance Stdy: Pwr/Resistan00000
DANC 094Senior Project00000
DANC 079AScreening Bollywood Dance00000
DANC 071PPE:Dance:Salsa/Drumming00000
DANC 061PPE Dance: Ballet III00000
DANC 060PPE DnceTech:Contemp Modern III00000