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TAMIU Course Reviews

Texas A&M International University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSDO 2306Clinical Writing in Comm Disor00000
CSDO 3320Intro to Research in CSDO- WIN00000
CSDO 3325Phonetics00000
CSDO 3335Lang&Lit Disorders in Children00000
CSDO 4026Adv Clin Pra Spch Lng Path CLN00000
CSDO 4226Adv Cln Prac Spch Lng Path-WIN00000
CSDO 4320Diag&Eval Speech Lang Path00000
CSDO 4333Normal Lang Acquisition00000
CSDO 4337Foundations of Aural Rehab00000
CSDO 2305Intro to Comm Disorders00000
CSDO 3122Obs in Speech Lang Pathology00000
CSDO 3321Anat&Phys of Spch&Hrng Mech00000
CSDO 3331Speech and Hearing Science00000
CSDO 3336Speech Sounds Disorders00000
CSDO 4126Cln Prac Speech Lang Path-WIN00000
CSDO 4300Multi Cltrl-Lingu Trends in CD00000
CSDO 4330Voice & Resonance Disorders00000
CSDO 4336Adult Neuro&Lang Disorders00000
CSDO 3022Obs in Speech Lang Patho CLN00000
CSDO 3314Neuroanatomy in Comm Disorders00000
CSDO 3322Clinical Observation Practicum00000
CSDO 3333Normal Lang Acquisition00000
CSDO 3413Introduction to Audiology00000
CSDO 4313Introduction to Audiology00000
CSDO 4321Articulatory&Phono Disorders00000
CSDO 4335Language Disorders in Children00000