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TAMU Course Reviews

Texas A&M University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSCE 638Nlp Foundations & Tech00000
CSCE 604Prog Language Design00000
CSCE 608Database Systems00000
CSCE 613Operating Systems00000
CSCE 617Co-Design Embedded Sys00000
CSCE 624Sketch Recognition00000
CSCE 628Computational Biology00000
CSCE 630Speech Processing00000
CSCE 636Deep Learning00000
CSCE 461Embedded Systems Med Apps00000
CSCE 641Computer Graphics00000
CSCE 646Digital Image00000
CSCE 649Physic Based Modeling00000
CSCE 655Human-Centered Computing00000
CSCE 656Computers And New Media00000
CSCE 659Para Distri Num Algorm00000
CSCE 663Real-Time Systems00000
CSCE 666Pattern Analysis00000
CSCE 313Introduction to Computer Systems00000
CSCE 713Software Security00000
CSCE 111Introduction to Computer Science Concepts and Programming00000
CSCE 121Introduction to Program Design and Concepts00000
CSCE 201/CYBR201 Fundamentals of Cybersecurity00000
CSCE 221Data Structures and Algorithms00000
CSCE 285Directed Studies00000
CSCE 291Research00000
CSCE 310Database Systems00000
CSCE 669Computational Optimiza00000
CSCE 315Programming Studio00000
CSCE 350/ECEN350 Computer Architecture and Design00000
CSCE 402Law and Policy in Cybersecurity00000
CSCE 411Design and Analysis of Algorithms00000
CSCE 413Software Security00000
CSCE 222Hnr-Discrete Struc Computing00000
CSCE 421Machine Learning00000
CSCE 447Data Visualization00000
CSCE 668Distributed Algs & Sys00000
CSCE 635Ai Robotics00000
CSCE 640Quantum Algorithms00000
CSCE 645Geometric Modeling00000
CSCE 648Computer Aided Sculpting00000
CSCE 652Software Reverse Engineering00000
CSCE 658Randomized Algorithms00000
CSCE 662Dist Processing System00000
CSCE 665Adv Network & Security00000
CSCE 633Machine Learning00000
CSCE 671Comp-Human Interaction00000
CSCE 678Distributed Sys & Cloud Comp00000
CSCE 681Seminar00000
CSCE 685Directed Studies00000
CSCE 702Law & Policy In Cybersecurity00000
CSCE 706Structured Programming In C00000
CSCE 710Fundamental Software Analysis00000
CSCE 714Adv Hardware Des Func Verif00000
CSCE 735Parallel Computing00000
CSCE 672Comp Support Coll Work00000
CSCE 675Digital Libraries00000
CSCE 679Data Visualization00000
CSCE 684Professional Internship: In-Ab00000
CSCE 689Sptp:Wireless & Mobile System00000
CSCE 703Cybersecurity Risk00000
CSCE 708Intro Cpsc Concepts & Program00000
CSCE 711Foundation Modern Cryptography00000
CSCE 709Intermd Prog Design Devel C++00000
CSCE 350Computer Arch & Design00000
CSCE 446Virtual Reality00000
CSCE 477Cybersecurity Risk00000
CSCE 606Software Engineering00000
CSCE 612Applied Netwrk Dist Proc00000
CSCE 616Intro Hardware Design00000
CSCE 620Computational Geometry00000
CSCE 627Th Of Computability00000
CSCE 443/VIST487 Game Development00000
CSCE 433Formal Languages and Automata00000
CSCE 434Compiler Design00000
CSCE 435Parallel Computing00000
CSCE 436Computer-Human Interaction00000
CSCE 438Distributed Systems00000
CSCE 440Quantum Algorithms00000
CSCE 441Computer Graphics00000
CSCE 442Scientific Programming00000
CSCE 431Software Engineering00000
CSCE 444Structures of Interactive Information00000
CSCE 445Computers and New Media00000
CSCE 446/VIST477 Virtual Reality00000
CSCE 447/VIST476 Data Visualization00000
CSCE 451Software Reverse Engineering00000
CSCE 452Robotics and Spatial Intelligence00000
CSCE 456Real-Time Computing00000
CSCE 461/BMEN428 Embedded Systems for Medical Applications00000
CSCE 320/STAT335 Principles of Data Science00000
CSCE 110Programming I00000
CSCE 120Program Design and Concepts00000
CSCE 181Introduction to Computing00000
CSCE 206Structured Programming in C00000
CSCE 222/ECEN222 Discrete Structures for Computing00000
CSCE 289Special Topics in...00000
CSCE 312Computer Organization00000
CSCE 314Programming Languages00000
CSCE 462Microcomputer Systems00000
CSCE 399High-Impact Experience00000
CSCE 410Operating Systems00000
CSCE 412Cloud Computing00000
CSCE 416/ECEN416 Hardware Design Verification00000
CSCE 420Artificial Intelligence00000
CSCE 421/STAT421 Machine Learning00000
CSCE 429Software Development, Globalization and Culture Abroad00000
CSCE 430Problem Solving Programming Strategies00000
CSCE 657Hpc Earth Science & Pete00000
CSCE 619Netwks & Distrib Comp00000
CSCE 625Artificial Intellignce00000
CSCE 629Analysis Of Algorithms00000
CSCE 634Intell User Interface00000
CSCE 637Complexity Theory00000
CSCE 643Sem Intel Sys Robotics00000
CSCE 647Image Synthesis00000
CSCE 650Virtual Reality00000
CSCE 614Computer Architecture00000
CSCE 660Comp Linear Algebra00000
CSCE 664Wireless And Mobile Syst00000
CSCE 667Human Centered Seminar00000
CSCE 670Info Storage & Retrieval00000
CSCE 676Data Mining & Analysis00000
CSCE 680Test & Diag Digital Syst00000
CSCE 691Research00000
CSCE 704Data Analytics Cybersecurity00000
CSCE 483Computer Systems Design00000
CSCE 463Networks and Distributed Processing00000
CSCE 464Wireless and Mobile Systems00000
CSCE 465Computer and Network Security00000
CSCE 469/ECEN469 Advanced Computer Architecture00000
CSCE 470Information Storage and Retrieval00000
CSCE 477/CYBR403 Cybersecurity Risk00000
CSCE 481Seminar00000
CSCE 482Senior Capstone Design00000
CSCE 749Intro to Appl Cryptography00000
CSCE 485Directed Studies00000
CSCE 489Special Topics in...00000
CSCE 491Research00000
CSCE 320Principles Of Data Science00000
CSCE 443Game Development00000
CSCE 469Adv Computer Architec00000
CSCE 605Compiler Design00000
CSCE 611Operating Systems00000