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TAMU Course Reviews

Texas A&M University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EPSY 606Motivation & Learning00000
EPSY 605Eff Cultr Div Pov Child00000
EPSY 625Adv Psychometric Theory00000
EPSY 630Single Case Experimental Dsn00000
EPSY 633Qual Res Design And Data Coll00000
EPSY 636Techniques Of Research00000
EPSY 641Stat Analysis Ed Research II00000
EPSY 647Lifespan Development00000
EPSY 651Theory Of Struct Eq Mod00000
EPSY 655Item Response Theory00000
EPSY 671Interp Rel & Child Acad Outcms00000
EPSY 683Field Practicum In Epsy00000
EPSY 685Directed Studies00000
EPSY 690Theory Of Epsy Rsearch00000
EPSY 602Educ Psychology00000
EPSY 491Research00000
EPSY 624Creative Thinking00000
EPSY 628Rorschach With Children00000
EPSY 632Scl & Emotnl Dev & Intervntns00000
EPSY 635Educational Statistics00000
EPSY 640Stat Analysis Ed Research I00000
EPSY 643Applied Mult Methods00000
EPSY 646Isues In Chld & Adlsnt00000
EPSY 650Multi Reg & Other Lm In Ed Res00000
EPSY 653Advanced Struc Equ Model00000
EPSY 656Survey Instrument Dev00000
EPSY 682Seminar In Epsy00000
EPSY 688Research Proposal Dev00000
EPSY 691Research00000
EPSY 645Creative Genius00000
EPSY 289Special Topics In...00000
EPSY 320Child Development00000
EPSY 430Creativity Theories and Research00000
EPSY 432Creativity and Creative Problem Solving00000
EPSY 435Educational Statistics00000
EPSY 484Field Experiences00000
EPSY 489Sptp: Dsgn Thnk Prob Solv Inno00000
EPSY 622Meas & Eval In Educ00000
EPSY 627Strc Prsnlty Assmt Cns00000
EPSY 631Program Eval00000
EPSY 634Educational Neuroscience00000
EPSY 637Qual Grounded Thry Meth00000
EPSY 642Meta-Analy Of Beh Rsch00000
EPSY 661Dta Anlys Sngl Cs Exp Dsgn Ed00000
EPSY 648Intelligence & Creativty00000
EPSY 652Theory Of Hlm00000
EPSY 660Sngl Case Exp Dsgn Rsrch Mthd00000
EPSY 673Learn Theory For Educ00000
EPSY 684Professional Internship00000
EPSY 689Sptp: Udtg Rsech Consmer Persp00000
EPSY 284Internship00000
EPSY 291Research00000
EPSY 321Adolescent Development00000
EPSY 431Personal Creativity and Giftedness00000
EPSY 433Lateral Thinking00000
EPSY 459Practicum in Educating the Gifted and Talented00000
EPSY 485Directed Studies00000