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TAMU Course Reviews

Texas A&M University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ITAL 453Italian Literature00000
ITAL 101Beginning Italian I00000
ITAL 201Intermediate Italian I00000
ITAL 285Directed Studies00000
ITAL 289Special Topics in...00000
ITAL 451/EURO451 Introduction to Italian Culture00000
ITAL 452/WGST452 Women and Gender in Italy00000
ITAL 455/FILM455 Italian Cinema00000
ITAL 485Directed Studies00000
ITAL 491Research00000
ITAL 251Global Italy00000
ITAL 455Italian Cinema00000
ITAL 102Beginning Italian II00000
ITAL 202Intermediate Italian II00000
ITAL 303Composition and Conversation00000
ITAL 453/EURO453 Italian Literature00000
ITAL 456/EURO456 Contemporary Italy00000
ITAL 489Special Topics in...00000
ITAL 451Intro Italian Culture00000
ITAL 456Contemporary Italy00000
ITAL 452Women Gender Italy00000
ITAL 457Italian Urban Cultures00000