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TAMU Course Reviews

Texas A&M University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
KINE 120The Science of Basic Health and Fitness43431
KINE 435Physiology of Exercise Lab54551
KINE 282Culture of Wellness33331
KINE 489Sptp: Coaching In Personal Tra00000
KINE 271Movement Lab: Modern Dance I00000
KINE 482Seminar In Kinesiology00000
KINE 439Exercise Eval & Prescp00000
KINE 431Ropes Course and Group Process00000
KINE 427Therapeutic Principles00000
KINE 425Tests and Measurements00000
KINE 406Motor Learning and Skill Performance00000
KINE 403Dance Wellness00000
KINE 372Movement Lab: Modern Dance II00000
KINE 355Coaching of Track00000
KINE 340Essentials of Strength and Conditioning00000
KINE 334Coaching in Personal Training00000
KINE 324Career Development in Coaching and Youth Development00000
KINE 320Advanced Athletic Injuries00000
KINE 317Coaching of Football00000
KINE 311Fundamental Rhythms and Dance00000
KINE 306Functional Anatomy for Coaches00000
KINE 291Research00000
KINE 285Directed Studies00000
KINE 691Research00000
KINE 491Research00000
KINE 640Motor Neuroscience II00000
KINE 685Directed Studies00000
KINE 683Practicum In Kinesiology00000
KINE 652Meth Hum Clin Rsch00000
KINE 648Inst& Tech In Ex Phy II00000
KINE 641Motor Neuro Dev Issues00000
KINE 637Exercise Physiology00000
KINE 631Spec Strnghth & Cond Tech00000
KINE 628Nutr In Sport & Exercise00000
KINE 609Pro Career Dev Hlth Kine00000
KINE 606Motor Neuroscience I00000
KINE 485Directed Studies00000
KINE 483Practicum In Kinesiology00000
KINE 462Movement Lab Ballet III00000
KINE 689Sptp:Methods In Human Clinical00000
KINE 682Seminar In Adv Nutr For Ex & S00000
KINE 651Intro Hum Clin Rsch00000
KINE 647Inst & Tech Ex Phys I00000
KINE 639Exercise Ecg00000
KINE 630Periodized Models00000
KINE 626Exercise Clin Population00000
KINE 308Integrated Adventure Education00000
KINE 404Coaching Psychology00000
KINE 386Sport Physiology00000
KINE 361Movement Lab: Ballet II00000
KINE 351Coaching of Basketball00000
KINE 335Coaching in Group Fitness00000
KINE 325Event and Tournament Operations for Coaches00000
KINE 321Coaching of Volleyball00000
KINE 318Athletic Injuries00000
KINE 314Coaching of Soccer00000
KINE 312Coaching of Baseball00000
KINE 407Motor Control and Learning Lab00000
KINE 307Lifespan Motor Development00000
KINE 305Sport Nutrition00000
KINE 302Applied Exercise Physiology for Coaches00000
KINE 289Special Topics in...00000
KINE 260Movement Lab: Ballet I00000
KINE 223Introduction to the Science of Health and Fitness00000
KINE 214/HLTH214 Health and Physical Activity for Children00000
KINE 210The Art of Movement00000
KINE 199Required Physical Activity00000
KINE 175Gender Neutral Partnering00000
KINE 646Fund Space Life Sciences00000
KINE 215Fundamentals of Coaching00000
KINE 213Foundations of Kinesiology00000
KINE 201Pilates Apparatus00000
KINE 198Health and Fitness Activity00000
KINE 167Visual and Performing Arts—Jazz Dance II00000
KINE 121Physical and Motor Fitness Assessment00000
KINE 690Theory Of Res In Disci00000
KINE 684Professional Internship00000
KINE 681Seminar: Ex Phys Student00000
KINE 649Appl Exercise Physiology00000
KINE 240/HLTH240 Computer Technology in Health and Kinesiology00000
KINE 638Exercise Physiology II00000
KINE 629Physiology Strength Cond00000
KINE 614External Research Fund Develop00000
KINE 601Rdg Rsch Publ In Kine00000
KINE 484Internship In Kine00000
KINE 473Movt Lab Modern Dnce III00000
KINE 214Hlth Phy Activity Child00000
KINE 433Physiology of Exercise00000
KINE 429Adapted Physical Activity00000
KINE 426Exercise Biomechanics00000