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TAMU Course Reviews

Texas A&M University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
NUTR 613Protein Metabolism00000
NUTR 407Nutrition Care & Therapy00000
NUTR 655Nutrition & Healthy Aging00000
NUTR 203Scient Prin Nutrition00000
NUTR 211Scientific Prin Of Foods00000
NUTR 285Directed Studies00000
NUTR 300Religious & Ethnic Foods00000
NUTR 304Food Service System Mgmt00000
NUTR 404Nutr Assessment & Plan00000
NUTR 430Community Nutrition00000
NUTR 475Nutr & Physiolog Chem00000
NUTR 489Sptp: Obesity Soc Sci Chall00000
NUTR 614Ferment And Gastro Micro00000
NUTR 632Nutrition In Disease00000
NUTR 645Nutr & Met Vitamins00000
NUTR 681Seminar00000
NUTR 691Research00000
NUTR 204Perspectives Nutr Fstc00000
NUTR 210Horizons In Nutr & Fstc00000
NUTR 303Prin Of Anim Nutrition00000
NUTR 365Nutr Phys Vitamins & Minerals00000
NUTR 410Hnr-Nutr Pharm Of Food Comp00000
NUTR 470Hnr-Nutr & Physiolog Chem00000
NUTR 485Hnr-Directed Studies00000
NUTR 610Nutr Pharm Of Food Comp00000
NUTR 630Nutrition In Disease00000
NUTR 642Nutritional Bich II00000
NUTR 647Nutrition Biochem Fish00000
NUTR 685Directed Studies00000
NUTR 202Fund Of Human Nutr00000
NUTR 222Nutr Hlth & Hlth Care00000
NUTR 291Research00000
NUTR 301Hnr-Nutr Through Life00000
NUTR 320Understand Obesity Soc Sci00000
NUTR 405Nutrition Trtmnt Disease00000
NUTR 469Exp Nutr Lab00000
NUTR 481Seminar00000
NUTR 491Hnr-Research00000
NUTR 618Lipids And Lipid Metabolism00000
NUTR 641Nutritional Biochem I00000
NUTR 646Fund Space Life Sciences00000
NUTR 684Professional Intrnship00000
NUTR 689Sptp: Nutr & Hlth Aging00000
NUTR 602Ener of Metab & Growth00000