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CSC 2700

Discrete Structures for CSC

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3OK Class
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Professor Rating

2Bad Prof

Prof: David Elizandro / Spring 2024

May 6, 2024

Comments on the course

The topics of the class seem like they would be interesting, but the way the professor talks about it is very dry and boring, only reading the slides and not doing any examples of the topics.

Course Content

From the syllabus: Explain statements and open sentences; develop truth tables and apply DeMorgan’s Law to compound statements; develop converse and contra-positives for implications; apply DeMorgan’s Law to implications; and develop biconditional implications. EXAM I 2) Explain concepts of sets; perform set operations; create dependency sets; perform cartesian product on sets; and create partitions of a set. EXAM I 3) Develop quantified sets statements using ∀ and ∃ operators; perform negation on quantified sets; and depending on the set, apply direct, contrapositive, bi-conditional, counterexample, existence, or contradiction proof to quantified sets. EXAM I 4) Propose closed form expressions for ordered set sequences; develop induction or strong induction proof of closed form more

Comments on the professor

He does only read off slides and have 3 tests as the total grade. He makes it pretty clear what is on the tests in the syllabus. Doing practice problems in the textbook helped. Overall, not that bad but also not that great. Just average.


Do textbook problems for exam practice.

Delivery: In personGrade: BWorkload: LightTextbook Use: Yes
Exam Heavy

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