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Tech Course Reviews

Tennessee Technological University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANS 4980Animal Science Topics00000
ANS 5940Design and Analysis of Agricultural Data00000
ANS 4970Animal Science Topics00000
ANS 4950Animal Science Topics00000
ANS 4310Dairy Herd Mgmt & Supervision00000
ANS 4200Poultry Production/Mgmt00000
ANS 4140Comrcl Poultry Prod/Mgmt00000
ANS 4110Beef Production & Mgmt00000
ANS 3150Com Dis & Par-Dom Animals00000
ANS 3020Feeds and Feeding00000
ANS 2020Livestock Management00000
ANS 1200Introductory Animal Science00000
ANS 1210Intro Animal Science Lab00000
ANS 4960Animal Sci Topics: Adv Beekeeping00000
ANS 4940Animal Science Topics00000
ANS 4250Companion Animal Management00000
ANS 4150Equine Management00000
ANS 4130Sheep Production & Mgmt00000
ANS 3310Meat, Dairy, Poultry Prod00000
ANS 3130Animal Breeding00000
ANS 2110Livestock Evaluation00000
ANS 3330Anat/Phys of Lvstock Animals00000
ANS 3140Reproduction in Farm Animals00000
ANS 3010Animal Nutrition00000