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Tech Course Reviews

Tennessee Technological University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 2020Art History Survey II00000
ART 4910Senior Thesis in Wood00000
ART 4913Senior Thesis in Wood III00000
ART 4950Special Problems in Art00000
ART 1010Two-Dimensional Design00000
ART 1035Introduction to Art00000
ART 1050Drawing II00000
ART 1340Foundations Studio I00000
ART 2000Art History Survey I00000
ART 4813Senior Thesis in Metal III00000
ART 2099Prof Practices for the Artist00000
ART 2210Introduction to Design00000
ART 2320Drawing II00000
ART 2410Painting I, Introduction00000
ART 2610Introduction to Fibers00000
ART 2910Introduction to Wood00000
ART 3150History of Crafts I00000
ART 3210Design Studio00000
ART 4810Senior Thesis in Metals00000
ART 4713Senior Thesis in Glass III00000
ART 4711Senior Thesis in Glass I00000
ART 4640Special Problems In Fiber00000
ART 4612Senior Thesis in Fibers II00000
ART 4514Senior Thesis in Clay IV00000
ART 4511Senior Thesis in Clay I00000
ART 4413Senior Thesis in Painting III00000
ART 4411Senior Thesis in Painting I00000
ART 4232Design Portfolio II00000
ART 4221Design Internship00000
ART 4210Design Practicum00000
ART 3940Woodturning00000
ART 3921Advanced Wood Studio00000
ART 3910Intermediate Wood Studio00000
ART 4613Senior Thesis in Fibers III00000
ART 4100Art Tour00000
ART 4211Design Practicum00000
ART 4230Design Portfolio00000
ART 4310Ind Studies in Drawing I00000
ART 4410Senior Thesis in Painting00000
ART 4414Senior Thesis in Painting IV00000
ART 4512Senior Thesis in Clay II00000
ART 4610Senior Thesis in Fiber00000
ART 3930Ind Studies in Woodworking00000
ART 4710Senior Thesis in Glass00000
ART 4714Senior Thesis in Glass IV00000
ART 4811Senior Thesis in Metal I00000
ART 4814Senior Thesis in Metal IV00000
ART 4911Senior Thesis in Wood I00000
ART 4914Senior Thesis in Wood IV00000
ART 4960Special Problems00000
ART 3821Metals Studio-Blacksmithing00000
ART 3911Intermediate Wood Studio00000
ART 3830Independent Study-Metals00000
ART 3811Metals Studio-Metalsmithing00000
ART 3740Warm Glass Process00000
ART 3721Advanced Glass Studio00000
ART 3710Intermediate Glass Studio00000
ART 36413-D Structures in Fibers II00000
ART 3630Independent Study-Fibers00000
ART 3611Weaving II00000
ART 3531Independent Studies-Clay00000
ART 3520Advanced Clay Studio00000
ART 3431Ind Studies in Painting II00000
ART 3420Painting III00000
ART 3310Drawing III00000
ART 3240Illustration/Visual Narrative00000
ART 3750Prod Processes in Glass00000
ART 3510Clay on the Wheel00000
ART 3521Advanced Clay Studio00000
ART 3540Intermediate Wheel-Throwing00000
ART 3620Surface Design I00000
ART 3631Independent Study-Fibers00000
ART 3650Fiber Art Studio I00000
ART 3711Intermediate Glass Studio00000
ART 3730Independent Study-Glass00000
ART 3421Painting IV00000
ART 3820Metals Studio-Blacksmithing00000
ART 3831Independent Study-Metals00000
ART 3920Advanced Wood Studio00000
ART 3931Ind Studies in Woodworking00000
ART 4170Ancient Mesoamerican Art00000
ART 4220Design Internship00000
ART 4231Design Portfolio I00000
ART 4311Ind Studies in Drawing II00000
ART 3320Figure Studies00000
ART 3250Independent Studies in Design00000
ART 3220Design Studio II00000
ART 3160History of Crafts II00000
ART 3099Prof Practices of the Artist00000
ART 2710Introduction to Glass00000
ART 2510Introduction to Clay00000
ART 2330Technical Drawing00000
ART 2220Typography, Text and Image00000
ART 2110Art History I00000
ART 2040Printmaking Relief00000
ART 2010Three-Dimensional Design00000
ART 1350Foundations Studio II00000
ART 1250Intro to Digital Imaging00000
ART 1045Drawing I00000
ART 3530Independent Studies-Clay00000
ART 2810Introduction to Metals00000
ART 3130Art Since 190000000
ART 3205Methods and Media00000
ART 3230Design Studio III00000
ART 3251Ind. Studies in Design: iCube00000
ART 3410Painting II00000
ART 3430Ind Studies in Painting I00000
ART 3511Intermediate Handbuilding00000
ART 2540Introduction to Wheel-Throwing00000
ART 3610Weaving I00000
ART 3621Surface Design II00000
ART 36403-D Structures in Fibers00000
ART 3651Fiber Art Studio II00000
ART 3720Advanced Glass Studio00000
ART 3731Independent Study-Glass00000
ART 3810Metals Studio-Metalsmithing00000
ART 1030Art Appreciation00000
ART 2340Comp-Aided Drafting for Artist00000
ART 2310Drawing I, Introduction00000
ART 2120Art History II00000
ART 2060Basic Photography00000
ART 4940Sp Prob in Wood: Handtools00000
ART 4912Senior Thesis in Wood II00000
ART 4840Special Problems In Metal00000
ART 4812Senior Thesis in Metals II00000
ART 4740Special Problems in Glass00000
ART 4712Senior Thesis in Glass II00000
ART 4614Senior Thesis in Fibers IV00000
ART 4611Senior Thesis in Fibers I00000
ART 4513Senior Thesis in Clay III00000
ART 4510Senior Thesis in Clay00000
ART 4412Senior Thesis in Painting II00000