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Tech Course Reviews

Tennessee Technological University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
THEA 1030Intro to Theater45431
THEA 3001Th Sp Top: Fundamentals of Playwriting00000
THEA 5500Creative Dramatics00000
THEA 4600Theatre Internship00000
THEA 4300Play Directing00000
THEA 3600Film Studies: Sports Films00000
THEA 3000History of the Theatre00000
THEA 2110Play Production00000
THEA 5400Dramatic Literature00000
THEA 4500Creative Dramatics00000
THEA 4100Acting Styles and Scene Work00000
THEA 1025Stagecraft I00000
THEA 2155Voice-Diction/Actrs-Non-Actrs00000
THEA 2015Acting II00000
THEA 1015Acting I00000
THEA 5100Advanced Acting00000
THEA 4400Dramatic Literature00000
THEA 4200Theatre Design Practicum00000
THEA 3200Theatrical Design00000
THEA 2200Stagecraft00000
THEA 2025Stagecraft II00000