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Temple Course Reviews

Temple University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EDUC 0865Albums and Algorithms23121
EDUC 5605Models of Teaching00000
EDUC 0809Race and Diversity in Children's and Young Adult Books: Read...00000
EDUC 9994Preliminary Examination Preparation00000
EDUC 9287Practicum Corr Remed00000
EDUC 8727Foundations Math Sci Ed00000
EDUC 8503Learning to Read00000
EDUC 8404Quantitative Analysis, Part I00000
EDUC 8289Capstone Seminar Cur Iss00000
EDUC 8271Program Development and Management00000
EDUC 8232Technology, Teaching, and Learning00000
EDUC 5887Residency Practicum00000
EDUC 0819Tweens and Teens00000
EDUC 5255Tech in Classrooms: TPCK00000
EDUC 5010Trends in Special Education00000
EDUC 4802TUteach Apprentice Teaching Seminar00000
EDUC 4389Field Experience00000
EDUC 4091Capstone Project: Minor in Education00000
EDUC 2900Honors Special Topics in Education00000
EDUC 2224Service Learning00000
EDUC 2082Undergraduate Independent Study00000
EDUC 1017Algebra and Algebraic Thinking for Educators00000
EDUC 0919Honors Tweens and Teens00000
EDUC 0823Kids in Crisis: When Schools Don't Work00000
EDUC 5802Residency Student Teaching Capstone00000
EDUC 9999Doctor of Education Dissertation00000
EDUC 9993Masters Comprehensive Examination00000
EDUC 9282Graduate Independent Study in Curriculum, Instruction, and T...00000
EDUC 8545Social Cntxt Math Sci Ed00000
EDUC 8504Problem Solving and Reasoning in STEM Education00000
EDUC 8501Motivation in Education00000
EDUC 8402Policy Analysis00000
EDUC 8278Found Theor Res Reading00000
EDUC 8273ESP: Exploring the concepts, pedagogy and current issues of...00000
EDUC 8252Cultural Diversity00000
EDUC 8103Contemporary Trends in Educational Research00000
EDUC 9987Teaching Apprenticeship00000
EDUC 5409Research Methods and Induction Capstone00000
EDUC 5212Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology in Education00000
EDUC 4788Student Teaching in Secondary Education/Career Technical Edu...00000
EDUC 4187Practicum in Applied Development00000
EDUC 3900Motivation and Identity00000
EDUC 3332Professional Seminar in Human Development and Community Enga...00000
EDUC 2255Effective Use of Instructional Technology in Classrooms00000
EDUC 2103Socio-cultural Foundations of Education in the United States00000
EDUC 1255Inclusive Education for a Diverse Society00000
EDUC 1002College of Education and Human Development First Year Semina...00000
EDUC 0915Honors Language in Society00000
EDUC 5101Critical Understanding of Social Science Research00000
EDUC 8506Second Language Acquisition00000
EDUC 8502Social Contexts of Learning00000
EDUC 8403Understanding Social Science00000
EDUC 8401Philosophical Foundations of Educational Research00000
EDUC 8275Introduction to Qualitative Research00000
EDUC 8253Accom Tchr: Nbpts Process00000
EDUC 8104Epistemology and Method in Educational Research00000
EDUC 5888Supervised Teaching00000
EDUC 5801Residency Practicum Capstone00000
EDUC 5402Child and Adol Develop00000
EDUC 5262Introduction to Qualitative Research00000
EDUC 9255Research Seminar in Science, Mathematics, and Educational Te...00000
EDUC 4441Discourse Practices in Diverse Communities00000
EDUC 4388TUteach Apprentice Teaching00000
EDUC 4185Community Internship and Seminar00000
EDUC 3333Professional Seminar in Human Development and Community Enga...00000
EDUC 2306Assessment and Evaluation00000
EDUC 2179Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science00000
EDUC 2109Adolescent Development for Educators00000
EDUC 2002College of Education and Human Development Transfer Seminar:...00000
EDUC 1016Mathematics for Educators00000
EDUC 0917Honors Youth Cultures00000
EDUC 0817Youth Cultures00000
EDUC 4941Honors Discourse Practices In Diverse Communities00000
EDUC 0815Language in Society00000
EDUC 9185Applied Research and Evaluation Internship00000
EDUC 8505Assessment and Evaluation of Students00000
EDUC 8405Quantitative Analysis, Part II00000
EDUC 8279Found Theor Res Writing00000
EDUC 8274Contexts for Content Teaching and Learning00000
EDUC 8251Teacher Development: The Reflective Teacher00000
EDUC 8102Ethnographic Research Methods00000
EDUC 5501Fundamental Interpersonal Techniques for Healthcare Professi...00000
EDUC 5325Introduction to Statistics and Research00000
EDUC 5244Class Discourse00000
EDUC 9996Thesis Credits: Masters00000
EDUC 4333Effectiveness of Interventions for Children (Zero through 8t...00000
EDUC 4111Classroom and Conflict Management in Grades 4 through 1200000
EDUC 2903Honors Socio-Cultural Foundations of Education in the United...00000
EDUC 2296Effective Teaching: Theory and Practice00000
EDUC 2087School-Based Community Service00000
EDUC 1196Education and Schooling in America00000
EDUC 1001Diversity and Inclusion: Reflective Paper00000
EDUC 0806It's Bigger Than Hip-hop: Exploring the Evolution of Race an...00000
EDUC 9998Dissertation Proposal Design00000
EDUC 9991Research Apprenticeship00000