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TMCC Course Reviews

Truckee Meadows Community College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 141Introduction to Digital Photography00000
ART 298Portfolio Emphasis00000
ART 297Field Study00000
ART 295Special Topics in Art History00000
ART 270Women in Art00000
ART 265Introduction to Contemporary Art00000
ART 261Survey of Art History II00000
ART 245Digital Media I00000
ART 236Darkroom Photography II00000
ART 232Painting II00000
ART 231Painting I00000
ART 216Sculpture I00000
ART 212Ceramics II00000
ART 209Introduction to Gallery Practices00000
ART 160Art Appreciation00000
ART 100Visual Foundations00000
ART 124Introduction to Printmaking00000
ART 101Drawing I00000
ART 299Special Topics in Studio Art00000
ART 296Independent Study00000
ART 288Photography of Art and Artifacts00000
ART 263Survey of African, Oceanic, & Native American Art00000
ART 260Survey of Art History I00000
ART 235Photography II - Lighting00000
ART 224Beginning Printmaking: Relief00000
ART 211Ceramics I00000
ART 201Life Drawing I00000
ART 142Introduction to Digital Photography II00000
ART 135Darkroom Photography I00000
ART 102Drawing II00000