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TTU Course Reviews

Texas Tech University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ECE 5341Microwave Engineering: Passive Components00000
ECE 3311Electronics00000
ECE 3303Linear System Analysis00000
ECE 2372Modern Digital System Design00000
ECE 6360Computer Vision and Image Reconstruction00000
ECE 5392Nanophotonics00000
ECE 5386Introduction to Microsystems II00000
ECE 5382Advanced Digital System Design00000
ECE 5375Computer Architecture00000
ECE 5366Testing of Digital Systems00000
ECE 5363Pattern Recognition00000
ECE 5356Biosensors and Bioelectronics00000
ECE 5353Gaseous Electronics00000
ECE 5349Modern Radar Circuits and Systems00000
ECE 5345Pulsed Power00000
ECE 3332Project Laboratory II00000
ECE 5323Modern Communication Circuits00000
ECE 5314Solid State Devices00000
ECE 4386Introduction to Microsystems II00000
ECE 4380Embedded Systems00000
ECE 4367Image Processing00000
ECE 4362Modern Optics for Engineers00000
ECE 4343Introduction to Power Systems00000
ECE 4334Project Laboratory V00000
ECE 4331Individual Studies in ECE: TEXAS Internship / Co-Op00000
ECE 4316Power Electronics00000
ECE 4120ECE Seminar: TIP Seminar Cohort 200000
ECE 3334Computer Engineering Project Laboratory00000
ECE 3323Principles of Communication Systems00000
ECE 5331Individual Studies in Engineering Applications00000
ECE 4379Unmanned Aircraft Systems00000
ECE 2305Introduction to C Programming00000
ECE 7000Research00000
ECE 5394Detectors and Sensors II00000
ECE 5389Solid-State Energy Devices II00000
ECE 5385Introduction to Microsystems I00000
ECE 5381Introduction to Semiconductor Processing00000
ECE 5371Engineering Analysis00000
ECE 5365Parametric and Functional Device Testing00000
ECE 5360Fiber Optic Systems00000
ECE 5355Genomic Signal Processing And Control00000
ECE 5352Medical Imaging00000
ECE 5348Computational Electromagnetics00000
ECE 5344Antennas and Radiating Systems00000
ECE 3302Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering00000
ECE 5320DC-DC Converter Design and Test00000
ECE 5310Introduction to VLSI Design00000
ECE 4385Introduction to Microsystems I00000
ECE 4377Technology Startup Laboratory00000
ECE 4366Testing of Digital Systems00000
ECE 4364Digital Signal Processing00000
ECE 4349Modern Radar Circuits and Systems00000
ECE 4341Microwave Engineering: Passive Components00000
ECE 4333Project Laboratory IV00000
ECE 4323Modern Communication Circuits00000
ECE 4310Introduction to VLSI Design00000
ECE 3353Feedback Control Systems00000
ECE 3341Electromagnetic Fields I00000
ECE 4365Parametric and Functional Device Testing00000
ECE 5384Communication Integrated Circuits Design II00000
ECE 5380Embedded Systems00000
ECE 5368Advanced Control Systems00000
ECE 5364Digital Signal Processing00000
ECE 5362Modern Optics00000
ECE 5354Power Semiconductor Devices00000
ECE 5350Introduction to Medical Instrumentation00000
ECE 5347Laser Diagnostic Techniques00000
ECE 5343Power Systems Engineering00000
ECE 5332Topics in Electrical Engineering: Syncrophasor Applications...00000
ECE 5321Analog ICs: Design and Analysis of Analog ICs00000
ECE 5120ECE Graduate Seminar: PSPE Graduate Seminar00000
ECE 4382Digital IC Analysis and Design00000
ECE 4375Microprocessor Architecture00000
ECE 5391Electric Machines and Drives00000
ECE 4360Fiber Optic Systems00000
ECE 4342Microwave Solid-State Circuits00000
ECE 4332Topics in Electrical Engineering: Syncrophasor Applications...00000
ECE 4325Telecommunication Networks00000
ECE 4314Solid State Devices00000
ECE 3362Microcontrollers with Assembly00000
ECE 3333Project Laboratory III00000
ECE 3312Advanced Electronics00000
ECE 3304Discrete-Time Signals and Systems00000
ECE 3301General Electrical Engineering00000
ECE 5340Steady-State Analysis of Power Systems00000
ECE 3308Probability, Statistics, & Discrete Math00000
ECE 5370Machine Learning00000
ECE 4391Electric Machines and Drives00000
ECE 1304Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering00000
ECE 6363Advanced Pattern Recognition00000
ECE 5393Detectors and Sensors I00000
ECE 5388Solid-State Energy Devices I00000
ECE 5383Communication Integrated Circuits Design I00000
ECE 5377Technology Startup Laboratory00000
ECE 5367Image Processing00000
ECE 5358Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization00000
ECE 5351Biomedical Signal Processing00000
ECE 5346Plasma Engineering: An Introductory Course in Plasma Physics...00000
ECE 5342Microwave Solid State Circuits00000
ECE 5325Telecommunication Networks00000
ECE 5316Power Electronics00000
ECE 3363Microcontrollers with C00000
ECE 4381VLSI Processing00000
ECE 4370Machine Learning00000
ECE 4363Pattern Recognition00000
ECE 4344Antennas and Radiating Systems00000
ECE 4340Power System Analysis00000
ECE 4321Apps Analog Integrated Circuit: Design and Analysis of Analo...00000
ECE 4132Special Topics in Electrical Engineering00000
ECE 3342Electromagnetic Fields II00000
ECE 3331Project Laboratory I00000
ECE 3306Network Analysis00000
ECE 1305Introduction to Engineering and Computer Programming00000
ECE 8000Doctor's Dissertation00000
ECE 6000Master's Thesis00000