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TTU Course Reviews

Texas Tech University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGL 2307Introduction to Fiction23121
ENGL 2306Introduction to Drama: Renaissance Plays00000
ENGL 5355Studies in Comparative Literature-- Thinking with the Globe:...00000
ENGL 5363Research Methods in Technical Communication and Rhetoric00000
ENGL 5365Studies in Composition00000
ENGL 5371Foundations of Technical Communication00000
ENGL 5375Document Design00000
ENGL 5379Empirical Research Methods in Technical Communication and Rh...00000
ENGL 5384Rhetoric of Scientific Literature00000
ENGL 5388User Experience Research00000
ENGL 5393Grants and Proposals for the Academy and Industry00000
ENGL 8000Doctor's Dissertation00000
ENGL 5349Religion and Material Texts00000
ENGL 2308Introduction to Nonfiction: Exploring American Countercultur...00000
ENGL 2321Global Literature I: The Epic and the Hero00000
ENGL 2325American Literature I: Survivors00000
ENGL 2371Language in a Multicultural America00000
ENGL 2391Introduction to Literary Studies00000
ENGL 3302British Literature Before 1066: Learning and Literature in E...00000
ENGL 3307Restoration and Eighteenth Century British Literature: Eight...00000
ENGL 3312Film and Media History: Desiring Cyborgs, Malfunctioning Rob...00000
ENGL 3324Nineteenth Century American Literature: The American Renaiss...00000
ENGL 3385Selected Plays of Shakespeare00000
ENGL 2388Introduction to Film Studies00000
ENGL 3305British Renaissance Literature: The Idea of God from Malory...00000
ENGL 3309Modern and Contemporary British Literature00000
ENGL 3336Early Modern World Literature00000
ENGL 3341Studies In Translation Practice And Theory00000
ENGL 3351Creative Writing: Nonfiction00000
ENGL 3362Rhetorical Criticism00000
ENGL 3368World Wide Web Publishing of Technical Information00000
ENGL 3373How Syntax Works00000
ENGL 3335Ancient and Medieval World Literature: Augustine, Boethius,...00000
ENGL 3389Global Short Story00000
ENGL 4300Individual Studies in English00000
ENGL 5302Middle English Language: Translating Middle English Literatu...00000
ENGL 5306Studies in Seventeenth-Century British Literature00000
ENGL 5313Studies in Twentieth-Century British Literature00000
ENGL 5320Studies in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century American Lite...00000
ENGL 5325Studies in American Fiction: The Gilded Age00000
ENGL 5335Principles of Language00000
ENGL 5340Rsrch Mtds in Lit & Language00000
ENGL 5362Rhetorical Analysis of Text: Rhetorical Genre Studies00000
ENGL 5305Studies in Shakespeare00000
ENGL 530718th Century British Lit: Making the Novel in the 18th C.00000
ENGL 5315Studies In British Fiction00000
ENGL 5323Studies in Nineteenth-Century American Literature: The Occas...00000
ENGL 5334History of the English Language-- Who Owns English?00000
ENGL 5338Syntax00000
ENGL 5342Critical Methods00000
ENGL 5346Digital Humanities00000
ENGL 5354Doctoral Research and Critical Methods in English00000
ENGL 5303Studies in Medieval British Literature: Beowulf00000
ENGL 5366Teaching Technical and Professional Writing00000
ENGL 5369Discourse and Technology00000
ENGL 5373Instructional Design for Technical Communicators00000
ENGL 5377Theoretical Approaches to Technical Communication:00000
ENGL 5381Global Technical Communication00000
ENGL 5385Ethics in Technical Communication and Rhetoric00000
ENGL 5389Field Methods of Research00000
ENGL 5391Grants and Proposals for Nonprofits00000
ENGL 6000Master's Thesis00000
ENGL 4313Studies in Fiction: World Fabulation from Metamorphosis to S...00000
ENGL 3339Sexuality and Literature00000
ENGL 3350Topics in Book History and Digital Humanities00000
ENGL 3363Introduction to Science Writing00000
ENGL 3367User Experience Research00000
ENGL 3372History of the English Language00000
ENGL 3384Religion and Literature00000
ENGL 3388Film Genres: A Beautiful Ending00000
ENGL 3392African American Literature00000
ENGL 4311Studies in Poetry: The Poetry of Science Lucretius to Rilke00000
ENGL 2326American Literature II: Experiencing Diversity00000
ENGL 4321Studies in Literary Topics00000
ENGL 4360Studies in Composition: Thinking (and Writing) about Thinkin...00000
ENGL 4365Special Topics in Technical Communication: Messed-up Picture...00000
ENGL 4367Developing Instructional Materials00000
ENGL 4371Language And Community: Learning While Serving00000
ENGL 4378Internship in Technical Communication00000
ENGL 4390Internship in Literature, Creative Writing, and Linguistics00000
ENGL 5060History and Theories of College Composition00000
ENGL 5300Individual Studies00000
ENGL 5317Studies in Postcolonial Literature00000
ENGL 4363Case Studies in Science Communication00000
ENGL 4369Interaction Design00000
ENGL 4373Advanced Studies Linguistics-- When Lit Meets Linguistics00000
ENGL 4380Professional Issues in Technical Communication00000
ENGL 5000English as a Profession00000
ENGL 5067Methods of Teaching College Composition00000
ENGL 5301Old English00000
ENGL 5304Renaissance Brit Lit: Staging the Social in Early Modern Dra...00000
ENGL 5309Studies in Nineteenth-Century British Literature00000
ENGL 4342Studies In Literary Theory: Ecocritical And Social Justice T...00000
ENGL 5324Studies in Twentieth-Century American Literature: Post-9/11...00000
ENGL 5327Studies in Multicultural Literature:00000
ENGL 5339Phonology00000
ENGL 5343Studies in Literary Criticism: World Fabulation from Metamor...00000
ENGL 5353Stds in Poetry: The Poetry of Religious Belief00000
ENGL 5360History and Theories of College Composition00000
ENGL 5364History of Rhetoric00000
ENGL 5370Studies in Creative Writing: Documentary Poetics Holding Up...00000
ENGL 5374Technical Editing00000
ENGL 3325Modern and Contemporary American Literature00000
ENGL 3394Asian American Literature00000
ENGL 1301Essentials of College Rhetoric00000
ENGL 2312Texts and Technologies that Change the World00000
ENGL 2324British Literature II00000
ENGL 2370Introduction to Language00000
ENGL 2383Bible as Literature00000
ENGL 3303: --Medieval Lit in England Magic, Miracle, Heroes & Saints00000
ENGL 3308British Romantic Literature: Romanticism00000
ENGL 3313Topics in Film & Media Studies-- UFOs in Lubbock and Global...00000
ENGL 5378Graduate Internship00000
ENGL 3337Modern and Contemporary World Literature: Conflict, Religion...00000
ENGL 3360Issues in Composition: Composing with Genres00000
ENGL 3366Style in Technical Writing00000
ENGL 3371How Language Works00000
ENGL 3382Women Writers00000
ENGL 3387Multicultural Literatures of America00000
ENGL 3391Literature and War -- Vietnam War Literature00000
ENGL 4301Studies in Selected Authors: Jane Austen and Mary Shelley00000
ENGL 4314Studies in Nonfiction: War and Military Culture in Nonfictio...00000
ENGL 5368Studies in Written Argumentation00000
ENGL 3390Literatures of the Southwest00000
ENGL 4312Studies in Drama -- Cinderella Stories00000
ENGL 4315Studies in Film: Art Made Illegal Censorship in Comic Books,...00000
ENGL 4351Advanced Creative Writing: Advanced Creative Writing Nonfict...00000
ENGL 4366Technical and Professional Editing00000
ENGL 5337Studies in Linguistics00000
ENGL 5341Histories and Theories of the Book00000
ENGL 5351Studies in Film and Literature: --Teaching Film & Media Stud...00000
ENGL 5361Theories of Invention in Writing00000
ENGL 3386Literature and Science: --The Symbiotic Forest00000
ENGL 5372Technical Reports00000
ENGL 5376Online Publishing00000
ENGL 5380Advanced Problems in Literary Studies: Race, Rhetoric, and P...00000
ENGL 5386Written Discourse and Social Issues00000
ENGL 5390Writing for Publication00000
ENGL 5394User-Centered Design00000
ENGL 1302Advanced College Rhetoric00000
ENGL 2310Literature, Social Justice, and the Environment00000
ENGL 2322Global Literature II00000
ENGL 3301Introduction to Literary Theory00000
ENGL 5382Theory and Research in the Written Discourses of Health and...00000
ENGL 5387Publications Management00000
ENGL 5392Teaching College Literature:00000
ENGL 7000Research00000
ENGL 2305Introduction to Poetry00000
ENGL 2311Introduction to Technical Writing00000
ENGL 2323British Literature I00000
ENGL 2351Introduction to Creative Writing00000
ENGL 2381Fantasy and Science Fiction00000
ENGL 2382Heroes and Anti-Heroes: Quests for Knowledge00000
ENGL 3304Medieval and Renaissance Drama: --Medieval & Renaissance Dra...00000
ENGL 3311British Victorian Literature00000
ENGL 3323Early American Literature00000
ENGL 3328Intro American Studs.00000
ENGL 3338Global South Literatures00000
ENGL 3342Travel, Migration, and Literature: The Return of the Prodiga...00000
ENGL 3365Professional Report Writing00000
ENGL 3369Information Design00000
ENGL 3381Literature of the Fantastic00000