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Tu Course Reviews

Towson University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 2053Cult Before Hst:Archlgy00000
ANTH 6233Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 6103Human Origins00000
ANTH 4993Independent Study00000
ANTH 4973Research Seminar00000
ANTH 4503Topics in Anthropology00000
ANTH 4103Human Origins00000
ANTH 4053Archaeological Analysis00000
ANTH 3803The Roots of Hamilton00000
ANTH 3173Gender Across Culture00000
ANTH 2771Study Abroad00000
ANTH 7073Cultural Resources Mgt00000
ANTH 2043Ptrn in Cult: Cult Anth00000
ANTH 2023Foundtn of Linguistics00000
ANTH 1771Study Abroad00000
ANTH 9989Research & Dissertation00000
ANTH 7993Independent Research00000
ANTH 7293Human Behavior Ecology00000
ANTH 7113Dsgn Adm Archalgy Rsrch00000
ANTH 6503Topics in Prehistory:00000
ANTH 6273Hist African Diaspora00000
ANTH 5993Independent Study00000
ANTH 3773Study Abroad00000
ANTH 9981Research & Dissertation00000
ANTH 7863St: Heritage Reclaimed00000
ANTH 7213Analy Lithic Artifacts00000
ANTH 7103Archaeological Theory00000
ANTH 6403Qualitative Rsrch Mthd00000
ANTH 5863ST: Quantitative Analys00000
ANTH 4991Independent Study00000
ANTH 4773Study Abroad00000
ANTH 4273Hist African Diaspora00000
ANTH 4083Intro to Museum Work00000
ANTH 4983Intern/Service Learning00000
ANTH 3023Forensic Anthropology00000
ANTH 2773Study Abroad00000
ANTH 2241Archaeological Sci Lab00000
ANTH 2033Human Dev & Diversity00000
ANTH 1774Study Abroad00000
ANTH 1063Cult People & Nature00000
ANTH 9983Research & Dissertation00000
ANTH 7983Research & Thesis00000
ANTH 7233Quantitative Analy in Anth00000
ANTH 7123Hist of Anth Theory00000
ANTH 499Honors Thesis In Anthropology00000
ANTH 492Internship In Anthropology II00000
ANTH 457Advanced Forensic Investigation00000
ANTH 450Life In The City00000
ANTH 383North American Archaeology00000
ANTH 370Topics In Anthropology00000
ANTH 365North American Indians00000
ANTH 346Wealth, Power And Politics In Cross-Cultural Perspective00000
ANTH 328Forensic Anthropology00000
ANTH 312Advanced Human Evolution00000
ANTH 212Paleoanthropology And Archaeology00000
ANTH 498Readings In Anthropology (Honors)00000
ANTH 495Independent Research00000
ANTH 470Special Topics In Anthropology00000
ANTH 391Archaeological Lab Methods00000
ANTH 382Visual Anthropology00000
ANTH 380Ethnographic Field Methods00000
ANTH 367Peoples Of The Middle East00000
ANTH 351Drugs In Global Perspective00000
ANTH 341Information Age Cultures00000
ANTH 325Moral Panics00000
ANTH 307Korea And Globalization00000
ANTH 401Anthropological Theory00000
ANTH 4763Hist Anthropology Thry00000
ANTH 4233Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 4063Qual Methods/Anth Rsrch00000
ANTH 3443Magic Witchcraft & Rel00000
ANTH 2993Independent Study00000
ANTH 2243Archaeological Science00000
ANTH 2083Evol Human Sexual Bhvr00000
ANTH 2031Human Dev Diversity Lab00000
ANTH 1773Study Abroad00000
ANTH 491Internship In Anthropology I00000
ANTH 209Anthropology Of American Culture00000
ANTH 385Environmental Archaeology00000
ANTH 381Archeological Methods And Theory00000
ANTH 368Globalization In Cross Cultural Perspective00000
ANTH 357Introduction To Forensic Crime Analysis00000
ANTH 343Resource Wars Of The 21St Century00000
ANTH 327Archaeology Of Death00000
ANTH 309South Asian Popular Culture00000
ANTH 210Honors Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 207Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTH 501Anthropological Theory00000